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Zoho is one of the biggest office suites that is being used and revered all over the world. Zoho offers one of the best platforms that seamlessly integrates with so many 3rd party apps to create unique and convenient workflows for businesses and helps automate different workflows.

Businesses who require many different apps to work together for various divisions within the organization such as finance, HR, payroll, data entry, onboarding, office communication etc., can face a challenge when they need to integrate data across a single platform. Thanks to Zoho, 3rd party integrations provide endless possibilities to automate workflows that can be custom created for your unique requirement.

In this blog, we discuss the 10 best Zoho People integrations that you can use to automate different kinds of business workflows that help make things seamless at work.

The best 11 Zoho People integrations that help automate business workflows

With Zoho People integrations, you can now have multiple apps work together so that the changes you make in one program easily syncs with the rest of the program. Automate and customize your workflows easily with these 10 best Zoho People integrations today!

1. Xoxoday Plum

zoho people integrations

Best for: Managing rewards and incentive programs on scale

The integration of Zoho People with Xoxoday Plum helps streamline HR processes, particularly in the areas of employee recognition, rewards, and engagement. This seamless integration allows HR managers to directly distribute rewards and recognitions from within Zoho People using Xoxoday Plum's extensive catalog.

The automation of rewards based on defined triggers and actions can significantly boost employee morale, motivation, and engagement. The integration allows for data analysis, helping you understand trends in employee performance and engagement. This can guide decisions about future reward and recognition strategies.

Thus, it fosters a productive and engaged workforce, while improving efficiency and ease of use for the HR team.

2. Zapier

zoho people integrations

Best for: All kinds of small and medium scale businesses that require automating various redundant tasks while using multiple apps across various platforms.

Zapier is one of the best apps that is being popularly used in business all around the world. Zapier lets you create customized ‘Zaps’ that require absolutely no coding or heavy integration process.

When using Zapier via the Zoho people platform, you can create simple and effective ‘Zaps’ to instantly automate various workflows such as creating posts on social media, creating alerts for emails on various other apps or syncing data together across various other apps for upload or transfer of data.

This is one of the best possibilities to reduce mundane and repetitive tasks while working with multiple apps on the Zoho platform.

3. Slack

zoho people integrations

Best for: Small to medium enterprises for office communications and file transfers.

Slack is another popular messaging and office IM platform that is used worldwide. Slack integrates with Zoho effortlessly as it is one of the simplest and yet most effective communication tools.

Not only can peers text each other using group chat and DM, you can integrate with Google calendar to set alerts and reminders, schedule meetings, create alerts via integration from other apps such as Mailchimp or social media integration apps. It integrates effortlessly with the Zoho People platform for office communications, file transfers and custom channel and notification alerts.

4. Google Calendar

zoho people integrations

Best for: All kinds of business setups for scheduling meetings, settings reminders and sync.

Google Calendar needs no introduction - it is something that most of us use even in our personal lives. This simple yet futuristic tool is used by almost all businesses all over the world thanks to its simplicity and level of integration.

It integrates with the Zoho platform effortlessly so that employees and teams can easily schedule reminders, set up meetings, mark availability and sync these important features with other apps to update routines with a single click.

Calendar is one of the best apps that integrates with many other apps simultaneously to work seamlessly in an office and over many platforms such as connecting to Zapier, Trello, Slack Microsoft Outlook etc add events, schedules and reminders right to your fingertips.

5. Microsoft Office 365

zoho people integrations

Best for: All kinds of small and large companies that work with excel, outlook, presentation apps or word documents in general.

Microsoft Office 365 is a staple in most businesses today. Although a competitor product to the Zoho suite of software and programs, MS Office can be seamlessly integrated with the Zoho people platform thanks to its simple API extensions.

You can not only link your existing MS office account and export all contacts and information on to Zoho people for seamless automation, you can link other apps such as Zapier, Slack etc to create a custom working environment.

Using MS Office 365, you can integrate information from sheets to update or add contacts, information, create alerts and/or transfer this data to other platforms to synchronize everything.

6. Trello

zoho people integrations

Best for: Project based companies who have multiple employees working on multiple projects.

Trello is an amazing way to manage a project first hand without the need of complicated softwares and programs. This app made a viral appearance when project management tracking and analysis was the need of the hour and boy does it deliver!

Using cards and boards, employers and managers are able to assign projects, sub-tasks, deadlines and members to different activities. Trello integrates well with Zoho People and helps track the team members working on different teams, synchronize various events from other apps such as slack, zapier or MailChimp and create events, alerts, reminders or update data over all the platforms unanimously such as creation of cards, new boards, new members can be instantly added and recorded using Zoho people.

7. Jira

zoho people integrations

Best for: Project management, large tech teams and companies into software and IT.

Jira is a revolutionary app that lets you track project management and tasks allocated from the beginning to the very end by also keeping track of various issues such as bugs, stories or user variables.

Jira is used extensively by project management companies in the software sector and in many engineering based companies and works well with Zoho people. By integrating Jira with Zoho, you can manage all the HR related information as and when they are updated on either platform.

New updates, employee additions, modifications and other related information can all reflect in the Zoho people platform instantly using custom triggers and reactions.

8. Salesforce

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Best for: Medium and large sales and marketing based companies with need for data recording and management.

Salesforce has been in use by many sales and marketing based companies for a long time and is perhaps one of the oldest reliable apps for CRM in the industry. This cloud based CRM software helps effectively manage data, analyze customer patterns and behavior, record information and provide effective service and support using this data. Using Zoho people platform and integration of salesforce,

HR’s can keep track of data that is shared between the two platforms and synchronize them effectively by creating systematic triggers and actions. Database based information such as addition of records, modifications workflows can be automated.

9. QuickBooks

zoho people integrations

Best for: Small to medium enterprises for their accounting and payroll related requirements.

Quickbooks is a small enterprise based software that offers excellent accounting, finance and payroll related features. It helps small businesses to manage their payments, accounts and bills in an effective manner.

One of the best features of quickbooks is the fact that it integrates with so many different programs with so much ease. You can link the software with maps, marketing tools, payroll softwares, email suites and calendar apps so well that it makes managing an entire business easy and effortless.

Quickbooks integrates with Zoho People to synchronize data effectively and update records, databases and create events and triggers with relation to payroll, attendance, office communication and so much more.

10. Zendesk

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Best for: All kinds of product and solution based companies that need to manage Sales and CRM based information online.

Zendesk is a one stop solution for all kinds of Sales and CRM based data and provides features that help enable sales and support staff to provide an excellent customer experience to their clients.

Zendesk helps scale businesses by providing features such as data reporting, data analysis, customer service softwares, ticketing systems, chatbots and live support etc. Zendesk, although a rival of Zohos product, integrates well within the Zoho ecosystem and provides excellent control for data management and employee management for HR.

Any new event within Zendesk can be tracked and marked to create triggers and actions on the Zoho people platform and help manage the synchronization of data on all platforms. It works extremely well with other 3rd party integrations as well such as Zapier, Slack, Mailchimp etc.

11. MailChimp

zoho people integrations

Best for: All small, medium and large enterprises who are into marketing outbound communications on a regular basis.

If you are in the marketing side of things, you must already be familiar with MailChimp. This amazing marketing tool is an outbound email app that lets you program and automate your marketing campaigns and design innovative emails for targeted and segmented clients.

You can integrate MailChimp with Zoho people seamlessly to create events and triggers and automate various reactions. It also works incredibly well with other 3rd party apps such as Zapier, Slack and Trello by helping people communicate, send alerts, notifications and synchronize data over all available platforms.


Using these 10 best Zoho people integrations, you can easily create custom workflows that make things at work easy. Not only do these apps synchronize seamlessly with the rest of the integrations, you can automate the process by creating unique triggers that help businesses stay up to speed.

With the Zoho People integrations, you can easily sync various departments together such as Finance, HR, logistics, office communications, and recruitment processes, everything at a click of a button.

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