
Mientras que nuestro blog anterior explicaba cómo motivar a los empleados con regalos y recompensas, esta guía se centra en los métodos para aprovechar la experiencia del cliente que tanto le ha costado ganar, utilizándola para hacer crecer su cuenta de resultados y realizar cambios oportunos en el enfoque, manteniendo un ojo en las próximas tendencias de CX.

Cuando sus hercúleos esfuerzos por ofrecer una experiencia de cliente estelar hayan dado sus frutos a la perfección, debería pensar en aprovecharla en su beneficio. Destilarla estratégicamente para hacer crecer rápidamente su cuenta de resultados.

As we continue to look farther down the revolutionary road of customer experience in 2024, it is a fact that generative AI will play an essential role in meeting customer needs and adapting based on their ever-changing expectations. Keeping up with the requirements of personalized and straightforward customer service, here is how leading organizations will utilize the power of emerging  “trends” to meet varied needs.

Una guía completa de la experiencia del cliente [2022]
La experiencia del cliente es la impresión holística que un cliente tiene de una marca en todos los aspectos del recorrido del comprador. Esto repercute en el balance final de una marca, incluidos los ingresos.

Aquí tienes un esquema de cómo puedes hacerlo.

¿Cómo ofrecer una gran experiencia al cliente?

Una comprensión minuciosa de lo que acelera la experiencia del cliente le ayudará a poner en práctica las estrategias antes mencionadas de forma práctica.

Estadísticas sobre cómo ofrecer una gran experiencia al cliente

Aunque puede utilizar muchos métodos diferentes para deleitar a sus clientes y hacer que hablen maravillas de su servicio a sus amigos, aquí tiene nuestra guía de tres pasos para ofrecer una gran experiencia al cliente.

1. Garantizar nuevos clientes potenciales a través de una sólida estructura de referencias.

The greatest benefit of a stellar customer experience is the enduring goodwill you collect in customers' minds. And it spills out repeatedly by suggesting your brand to everyone who comes into their vicinity.

Puede aprovechar con maestría estas sugerencias esporádicas para elevar sus ventas encajándolas en una configuración de referencias bien engrasada.

Recuerda: Nielsen menciona que el 92% de las personas confían en una recomendación de un compañero, y el 70% de las personas confiarán en una recomendación de alguien que no conocen.

Repasemos ahora los fundamentos del motor de recomendación:

➡️ Audit your current referral initiatives: Arrange a simple survey for your new customers to know how they heard about you. It enables you to pinpoint where new business is coming from and find the brand advocates aiding it.

➡️ Lay the foundation: Once you can visualize your referrals' current landscape, start building a foundation around it. Put down on paper your goals, channels of communications, referral criteria, and categories of rewards, and check out their financial feasibility.

Lo más importante es que refleje los principios y valores de su marca.

➡️ Dole out incentives: Customers are as varied as colors. Some of your happy and hardcore customers won’t be vocal about your business; others who like your brand will go to lengths to promote your business.

Algunos pueden necesitar un pequeño empujón. Por eso es buena idea ofrecer algo agradable -un descuento en una futura compra, un pequeño regalo, etc.- a cambio de las recomendaciones. Dado que el segundo nombre de los regalos es deleite, integrar los regalos en el esquema de las referencias puede resultar un polvorín.

️➡️ Set up triggered emails: Referrals never happen when the moment of purchase appears like a piece of bygone history or the buying regret has consumed the buyer. That’s precisely why asking for referrals immediately after the buying or after the first usage experience is extremely important.

The best way to ensure this urgency is to set up interesting trigger emails or messages asking for non-intrusive referrals.

2. Recoger y distribuir las vibraciones positivas de los clientes

La incesante avalancha de anuncios y materiales de marketing ha suscitado dudas sobre su autenticidad y eficacia.

The truth is that done-only-for-the-sales conversations cut no ice with customers, making them crave the reliable and unintended source of product information and experience.

And that’s where user-generated content (UGC), in the form of reviews or product usage photos, holds vital importance.

↠ 84% of consumers say they trust peer recommendations above all other sources of advertising.

↠ 79% of people say UGC highly impacts their purchasing decisions. (Source: Stackla)

↠ Consumers find UGC 9.8x more impactful than influencer content when making a purchasing decision. (Source: Stackla)

↠ Millennials trust UGC 50% more than original content generated by the brands.

↠ UGC-based ads get 4x higher click-through rates and a 50% drop in cost-per-click than average.

↠ UGC increases conversions by 10% when included in an online purchase path. (Source: Salesforce)

↠ 90% of consumers say authenticity is important when deciding which brands they like and support (up from 86% in 2017). (Source: Stackla)

Así es como puedes disparar tu embudo de ventas con UGC:

️➡️ Review sites: A diverse portfolio of reviews and user images can firmly establish you on review sites like Yelp, TripAdvisor, G2, and so on, letting you grasp the attention of consumers you wouldn’t otherwise get.

What it means is that when someone goes on a searching spree for a solution like yours, you can be there with the required preparation.

ejemplo de una gran crítica de un cliente

➡️ Website and social media: One of the most powerful places for UGC is your website and social media. Once consumers are already convinced of your products, positive reviews can tip them over the edge and plunge into the final buying.

Haga alarde de ellos en su página de inicio y en las páginas de productos, y dé una razón auténtica a la gente para que compre su producto.

️ ➡️ Case studies: Another way to harness customer reviews is to put them into case studies. Considering humans' unquenchable thirst for stories and scenarios, there is no better way to cement the usability of your product than crafting engaging and entertaining stories around how other people have used your product and have benefited from it.

If a positive reviewer matches your ideal buyer persona, contact him and ask for more information about use cases. Then, create a detailed and visualized study of how your product solved his problem and publish it on your website or blog.

3. Mantener y fidelizar a los clientes

Though it’s a no-brainer that repeat customers, an outcome of customer loyalty is an impossibility without a great customer experience (89% see customer experience as a key factor in driving customer loyalty and retention.), a quick sneak into the importance of loyal customers is crucial for the explanation of this point.

As numbers  are radical in telling the truth, don’t lie:

↠ The probability of selling to an existing customer is 60-70%, while the probability of selling to a new prospect is only 5% to 20%.

↠ It costs up to 7x more to acquire a new customer than to retain an old one.

↠ Increasing customer retention by 5% increases profits by 25-95%.

↠ 65% of a company’s business comes from existing customers.

↠ Loyal customers spend 67% more than new ones.

↠ Existing customers are 50% more likely to try new products and spend 31% more than new customers.

↠ 82% of companies agree that customer retention is cheaper than acquisition.

Going past the first sale is, then, indeed important. The acquired good customer experience can be further used to retain customers through enhanced and refined customer experience.

He aquí cómo conseguirlo:

➡️ Offer follow-up/post-sale training: If a customer encounters a problem after six months of purchase, your customer service and experience should be as good as they were when they were considering the purchase. You can easily nail it by devising follow-up services like training on product usage or upgrades if your products have gone through.

➡️ Hágales regalos personalizados: Hay una razón por la que el 61% de los consumidores cree que los regalos bien planificados son la forma más importante que tiene una marca de interactuar con ellos. La alegría que pueden causar regularmente los regalos establece una conexión especial entre los clientes y la marca, lo que hace que una marca sea más alta y permanente a sus ojos.

El 94% de los clientes que recibieron un regalo o un reconocimiento especial se sintieron más positivos respecto a una marca, y el 34% afirmó que compraría más a la empresa. Los regalos sorpresa, como las tarjetas regalo digitales, son incentivos interesantes para que los clientes se queden con tu marca.

➡️ Continue the communication and good customer experience: Customers should never feel that you valued them until the final purchase, and now they are a forgotten entity. That’s a sure way to cull customer loyalty, as they were not and will never be short of options.

To keep them firmly anchored in the waters of your brand, maintain a steady cadence of communication with them, regardless of their average value and duration with you. To achieve this, you can use business VoIP systems and customer support software that can help your team members to provide an excellent customer experience.

Inform them about new product launches or updates, remind them if it’s time to replace or replenish a product, and re-engage with the customers who haven’t purchased it for a long time. By these simple gestures, you are reaffirming your unflinching commitment to them.

Though this time of the year - when the year sets out to recede into memory- is always right to stick your eyes in the coming times to see how the new transformations will disrupt the status quo, it’s particularly significant for this year.

In the aftermath of pandemic-borne disruptions, businesses are observing clear social, psychological, and environmental upheavals in customers' personal and professional lives.

Dado que sólo prosperan las experiencias de cliente que reflejan los contornos de la vida cambiante de los clientes, estos trastornos darán forma a la próxima experiencia de cliente, igual que el martillo da forma al clavo.

To let you catch the future by its tail, we have listed out key trends that will define the customer experience in 2024.

1. La omnicanalidad no sólo será importante, sino inevitable

The most noticeable of the past two years is the stunning and rapid-fire increase in digital customer and supply chain interactions.

Mckinsey’s global survey revealed that the portion of digital or digitally enabled products in companies’ portfolios has grown unprecedentedly, and respondents said that at least 80% of their customer interactions are digital.

Encuesta mundial de Mckinsey sobre el estado de la crisis covid 19 en los clientes

It suggests consumers are growingly engaging with products, services, and brands through various channels and devices, ranging from mobile apps to mobile and desktop web browsers to Smart TVs to SMS and more.

Esta natividad digital empujará a las empresas a crear experiencias multicanal holísticas y coherentes. Salta automáticamente a un marco omnicanal para una experiencia del cliente cohesionada.

It's unsurprising that the PwC report found that the number of companies investing in the omnichannel experience has jumped from 20% to more than 80%.

2. La gratificación instantánea tendrá un significado totalmente diferente

A few years ago, “later” might have been the option if a customer issue came. It’s a big NO now, especially when digital adoption is moving at a galloping pace. Customers demand that every micro-moment throughout the end-to-end journey should be frictionlessly and fruitfully fast. The Digital CX Week survey clarified it beyond any doubt.

Sólo el 4% llama primero. El 65% busca en Google y el 24% consulta el sitio web. Para poner esto en perspectiva, el 96% de la gente intenta canales de autoservicio antes de conectar con un agente. ¿Curva de aprendizaje? El servicio de atención al cliente no empieza con los canales antiguos. Empieza con el autoservicio multicanal.

Existe, por tanto, una clara tendencia que los responsables de los centros de contacto pueden poner en práctica: Gestionar el viaje mucho antes. A partir de ahora, la gratificación instantánea no significará la reparación por su parte. Significa la rapidez con la que los clientes pueden resolver la consulta por sí mismos.

3. Design-for-privacy will be in vogue

Identifying users across mobile apps and websites was the go-to method for crafting engagingly personalized communication. With new iOS changes making it difficult to collect IDFA and Goggle wiping out third-party cookies as a tracking mechanism, it seems impossible.

Esto obligará invariablemente a las marcas a encontrar nuevas formas de conocer a sus clientes, haciendo que los líderes de CX piensen en diseñar viajes que giren en torno a la privacidad y el consentimiento. Este cambio no solo aumentará la influencia de la CX, sino que permitirá a las empresas ofrecer experiencias personalizadas más profundas sin depender de datos de terceros.

4. El propósito reinará sobre el beneficio

It’s not enough for brands to do lip service for the causes that are key to the world's substance. Brands should demonstrate it - that too with crystal clear transparency. In 2024, purpose-related criteria will matter as much as price and quality, especially for millennials and younger customers.

"El 94% por ciento de la Generación Z espera que las empresas adopten una postura sobre cuestiones sociales importantes, y el 90% afirma estar más dispuesto a comprar productos que considera beneficiosos para la sociedad." - Deloitte

Aunque la sensibilidad climática y la preocupación por la causa siempre han estado de moda, lo que ha cambiado ahora es la constatación de que las vagas promesas de sostenibilidad disuaden a los clientes.

And brands are not just becoming aware of it but also acting on it. Rebecca Minkoff has started to use an AI-powered transparency tool that showcases how much water and material it requires to produce each item.

Gigantes del comercio minorista como Amazon y Sephora permiten a los clientes clasificar los productos que han hecho una promesa climática o que se han creado con materiales inocuos, lo que facilita que se unan a marcas responsables.

5. AI: Exposing organizations to vast opportunities

Overhyped as it may be, the incorporation of AI is still relatively new to the industry. According to the research done by Salesforce, 45% of service decision-makers are leaning towards using AI, recording a compelling 24% rise since 2020. It also showcases that a huge chunk of the service provider has yet to incorporate AI into their service offerings. The main reason behind this may be AI’s lack of adoption of human-like touch. However, AI continues to connect, inform, and enrich every aspect of customer service and will continue to influence the sector in the following ways:

  • Collaboration: Customer service agents have started incorporating AI technology and systems to provide faster and more accurate information to satisfy the knowledge-hunger in the users. With the assistance of AI, it will become easier to engage in more complex interactions that hold the potential to generate revenue.
  • Seamless onboarding: AI will reshape the central role in onboarding new employees, given the recruitment process has become challenging post-pandemic. 
  • Generating knowledge: Preservation and sharing knowledge is one cornerstone of any forward-thinking company. AI tools can easily automate drafting the of knowledge-based articles based on customer interactions and CRM data. This created knowledge can be used in self-service portals, turning search engines into answer engines as customers can generate the information they want faster.

En pocas palabras

Crear una experiencia de cliente sencilla pero eficaz es una misión increíblemente difícil. Desde el momento en que los clientes conocen su marca hasta el momento en que se despiden definitivamente de usted, su gama es muy amplia y el margen de error es casi nulo.

Un pequeño fallo en una vía remota de interacción con el cliente y corre el riesgo de perder clientes.

Esto es lo que obliga a las empresas a saber más sobre los pensamientos, emociones y estados de ánimo de los clientes y no sólo sobre sus ingresos y hábitos de compra.

Cuanto más cerca estén de estas experiencias subjetivas y de las interacciones que las desarrollan, mejor podrán conectar con los clientes.

Si puede incorporar este análisis condensado en el recorrido del cliente, armonizar todos los canales de comunicación interna y externa, implicar a todos los miembros de la organización y mantenerlo actualizado periódicamente, podrá crear una experiencia mágica que sus clientes desean.

Hasta entonces, una espléndida experiencia del cliente es más un sueño que una realidad alcanzable. Las recompensas y los regalos pueden salvar eficazmente la distancia entre ese sueño y la realidad.

Prasad Dhamdhere

Prasad Dhamdhere

Firme creyente del dicho de Nietzsche: "Todo lo que necesito es una hoja de papel y algo con lo que escribir, y entonces podré poner el mundo patas arriba", ayudo a las organizaciones a llegar a más gente a través de las palabras.