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Ingat masa apabila Starbucks melancarkan Idea Starbucks Saya eksklusif mereka untuk mengumpulkan maklum balas pelanggan untuk memperhalusi produk mereka? Program ini bukan sahaja mendapat sambutan besar-besaran tetapi juga yang paling banyak diperkatakan pada tahun 2008. Jadi apa yang menjadikannya begitu berjaya?
Nah, "Idea Starbucks Saya" adalah lebih daripada kotak cadangan mewah. Mereka datang dengan strategi yang luar biasa untuk menyerahkan kuasa kepada pelanggan mereka dan memberi mereka insentif sebagai pertukaran untuk idea mereka. Ini membantu mereka mencapai dua perkara: kreativiti orang ramai dan inovasi produk. Ini membawa kepada pertumbuhan yang mengejutkan dan hari ini, ia berdiri tinggi pada nilai bersih $ 19.7 bilion.
Apa yang anda pelajari daripada cerita Starbucks?
Tiga pelajaran pentingnya:
- Pelajaran #1: Tinjauan, apabila dilakukan dengan betul, boleh menjadi sangat bermanfaat untuk perniagaan.
- Pelajaran #2: Tinjauan berfungsi sebagai peluang yang berharga untuk memahami minda khalayak anda, mengetahui perkara yang penting bagi mereka, dan meletakkan idea-idea tersebut!
- Pelajaran #3: Tiada apa-apa yang percuma. Dengan kaji selidik, ia sentiasa memberi dan mengambil dasar.
Orang secara sukarela mengambil tinjauan dan menyelesaikannya sama ada apabila mereka gembira atau gelisah. Selain daripada emosi yang melampau ini, banyak strategi telah digunakan oleh jenama untuk memujuk pelanggan untuk memberikan respons yang tulen.
Tetapi inilah kebenaran—menjalankan tinjauan yang menghasilkan respons—tidak semudah yang kedengaran. Malah, ini adalah salah satu cabaran terbesar yang masih dihadapi oleh jenama.
A survey that yields more than 50% response rate is considered a success but most response rates fall between 5% and 30% which is painfully low. (Source)
Anda boleh merangka soalan yang hebat, menggunakan grafik yang menarik, memastikan tinjauan manis & pendek, dan bahkan memilih masa yang cemerlang untuk menghantarnya, kadar tindak balas masih boleh biasa-biasa saja.
Why? Well, when it comes to market research surveys, most marketers tend to miss one simple yet crucial ‘thing’ in their perceptual-mapping process—rewards and incentives.
Ini adalah salah satu langkah yang paling berkesan dan diuji masa untuk meningkatkan kadar tindak balas tinjauan anda. Itulah sebabnya Starbucks dapat memakunya.
Sedikit kecerdasan bercampur dengan penggunaan ganjaran & insentif yang bijak yang disebutkan dalam blog ini adalah laluan paling mudah untuk diambil.
What are survey incentives?
Survey incentives are rewards that brands give to their respondents in exchange for completing a survey. You may have loyal customers and a target audience who have invested for years but everyone has responsibilities and priorities. To pique the interest of someone who is busy elsewhere, you need to incentivize the process of taking a survey.
This incentive could be in the form of points, redeemable prizes, gifts, gift cards, products, or rewards of various other kinds.
Insentif menarik yang hanya berfungsi boleh menyebabkan kadar tindak balas yang lebih tinggi secara dramatik dan ia juga menambah elemen memberi insentif kepada pelanggan untuk masa yang berharga.
But remember, the rewards & incentives you offer need to be in line and unique to the survey questions, and the information you obtain must be pertinent to the reward offered.
Can rewards help increase survey responses?
Absolutely. A government study reported that a mere monetary incentive offer of $10 was effective in increasing the response rates by 30%.
Other than this, numerous studies clearly reveal that financial incentives have the potential to double the chances of receiving a response from a mailed questionnaire survey. The very report also clarifies that along with the increase in response, incentives also help in the follow-up and the rest of the communication process.
Insentif kadang-kadang boleh menjadi pedang bermata dua kerana orang yang mencari tinjauan cenderung memberikan jawapan yang akan melayakkan mereka menerima lebih banyak tinjauan dan lebih banyak insentif.
Answers received in such surveys may be ideal responses but brands cannot rely on them. A survey taken for the purpose of receiving incentives can derail brands from genuine responses, so it pays to be wary of such answers that seem ideal on the surface.
For instance, stay-at-home residents scour the internet in search of surveys that reward and provide answers without much forethought or genuine knowledge of the product/service. To mitigate such situations, you can formulate control questions within the survey that will help you find & filter irrelevant responses.
Types of survey incentives
Sebagai permulaan, kami akan melihat apa yang boleh anda tawarkan kepada responden tinjauan anda sebagai balasan untuk melengkapkan tinjauan, dan kemudian melihat beberapa helah reka bentuk yang pasti meningkatkan respons pada pelbagai medium.
Regardless of where you’re conducting the survey, be it on your website, via email, or a third-party survey site, these details are crucial.
Out of various types of rewards & incentives, the following are the most effective:
Remember that you need more people to take your survey so you can slice the incentives into bite-size pieces. In the place of giving big prizes to a small number of people, spread out numerous small giveaways to a large number of survey takers.
Example 1: If you’re an apparel brand, offer a popular product from your collection to take a survey.
Example 2: Reward them with gift cards to take a survey for your products between $10 to $50.
Example 3: Sending them Amazon gift cards between $10 to $50 may be a good survey incentive.
Sebelum menjalankan pemberian kecil, ketahui nilai tinjauan yang anda jalankan. Ganjaran mesti sepadan dengan nilai tersebut kerana anda tidak mahu membelanjakan lebih daripada hasil.
Monetary rewards
It may sound scary to give out money as an incentive, but it works wonders.
Studies have found that monetary rewards as small as $2 and $5 yield great response rates and there wasn't a big difference between the two numbers.
Start by giving out $2 rewards and you may also try rewarding $5 for a second purchase on your website. Numerous restaurants, eCommerce sites, clothing brands, and even B2B businesses provide this offer for surveys, and this ensures a consecutive purchase on your website as well.
Offering sweepstakes
You’d be surprised to know how many participants volunteer to win one big prize by taking a survey. Sweepstakes has been a tried & tested method of rewarding participation for decades now and you can customize this based on the products, services, and other offers. This type of reward distribution sometimes requires the help of a legal team.
Dalam latihan yang sangat berkesan, jenama, vendor, dan juga pengaruh media sosial menjalankan 'hadiah' sebagai balasan untuk penyertaan marginal dan pengisian tinjauan.
Berdasarkan apa yang ditawarkan oleh jenama anda, berikut adalah beberapa idea untuk anda mulakan.
- Jenama reka bentuk dalaman boleh menyapu rumah atau pengubahsuaian bilik tidur untuk mengambil maklum balas pelanggan.
- Jenama fesyen boleh menawarkan keseluruhan perubahan almari pakaian jika mereka menjawab semua soalan tinjauan anda.
- Jenama produk kecantikan boleh menawarkan kotak hadiah yang penuh dengan produk kecantikan terbaik anda sebaik sahaja mereka mengemukakan cadangan mereka.
- Apl boleh menawarkan langganan seumur hidup percuma atau pembelian dalam apl.
- Or you can simply offer an Amazon gift card between $1,000 to $10,000.
Coupons & coupon codes
Coupons have been used by retailers for many generations now and coupon codes are the new generation fad everyone is in love with. If you have a sign-in coupon offer already, you are sharing the survey with existing customers so they will need a new coupon to participate in the survey.
You may offer your respondents coupon codes for signing up and filling in your feedback form—perhaps, a coupon code of 10% to 15% off or you can even share a one-time coupon code for redeeming against a reward.
Sama seperti ganjaran kewangan, menawarkan kupon sebagai balasan untuk mengambil kaji selidik bukan sahaja mengukuhkan ikatan antara anda dan pelanggan tetapi juga meningkatkan peluang pembelian banyak kali ganda, menggunakan kod kupon.
Digital resource offerings
Digital resources are the new-age rush and brands are taking utmost advantage of them. From cryptocurrency, NFTs, subscription to everything else that is sold on the blockchain can be an offering in return to taking a survey.
Beberapa sumber digital popular yang ditawarkan pada masa ini ialah:
- Langganan podcast
- Ebook
- Pembelian dalam aplikasi percuma
- Boleh dicetak
- Bahan kajian digital dan kursus
If the survey you’re looking to get metrics on has great value for you, you may offer any of the aforementioned digital resources. Make sure to remember, greater the value, greater the reward.
Free samples
One of the most rampantly used methods to increase response rates on surveys, free samples are the easiest things to reward. People love receiving free stuff and they also love to be a part of trying something new.
Pack both these things together and share your new or unique products with customers who take the survey.
How to improve survey response rates
Other than the awareness of the types of survey rewards, it is imperative to know how to execute a survey that encourages the customers to participate in it, without clicking away.
Berikut adalah beberapa helah untuk meningkatkan kadar tindak balas tinjauan.
Pastikan ia pendek
It started with hour-long documentaries, then minutes-long YouTube videos, and now is the time when a few seconds-long Tiktok video go viral. It is evident that all forms of short content are entertained and this ideology needs to be translated into surveys as well.
Kaji selidik mikro adalah jenis yang disasarkan tepat pada masanya untuk menerima kadar tindak balas yang lebih tinggi dan tepat berbanding dengan tinjauan konvensional.
Fokus pada kualiti, bukan kuantiti, dan mungkin juga membahagikan tinjauan jangka panjang kepada tiga atau empat tinjauan mikro untuk mendapatkan kadar tindak balas yang lebih tinggi. Tidak ramai orang mempunyai kesabaran untuk mengisi tinjauan yang lebih daripada tiga muka surat.
Clarity in the “from” name
Pada masa-masa apabila perisian hasad, ransomware, dan virus yang lebih teruk menyerang privasi orang melalui e-mel, kejelasan & kebiasaan dalam pengirim yang berkongsi tinjauan membuat dunia perbezaan.
Ia membantu jika anda telah membina kepercayaan peribadi dengan pelanggan anda tetapi mempunyai nama 'dari' yang jelas berfungsi untuk manfaat anda dalam penerima e-mel yang mempercayai e-mel, mengklik pada pautan tinjauan, dan mengambil bahagian.
Ia kadang-kadang membantu memberikan nama anda sendiri sebelum nama syarikat anda dalam e-mel, supaya terdapat sentuhan peribadi kepadanya, yang boleh meningkatkan peluang penerima membuka e-mel.
Mobile-friendly survey
Over a third of all surveys taken in the world are on mobile devices. It is needless to say that having a mobile-friendly survey is more important than anything else discussed in this article.
Furthermore, make sure the user experience of the mobile site is impressive and well-maintained. We all know how frustrating it is when you have taken a survey halfway through, and the page refreshes and the whole survey is gone. Despite being a micro survey or a long-form survey, most people simply don’t take surveys more than once.
Respond to your respondents
You may have noticed that all major customer service providers have a tab that denotes “average time to respond”. This shows that people love to receive a response to the time they have spent taking the survey, and when this response is personalized, you may have a new purchase, or the person might take other surveys thereafter.
Ask understandable questions
Avoid using slang terms, short forms, jargons and complicated questions. The customers who take your survey may be from any part of the world and may not understand your colloquial language so make the questions simple and universally understandable.
Adding a button for translation for people who speak different languages is a useful addition, and even better if you can compile the survey for a particular language-speaking demographic.
Most importantly: Incentivize your surveys
Incentives, be it monetary or non-monetary, have been long used to get respondents to fill in survey forms. Remember, nobody likes to do stuff for free.
Your respondents need motivation (basically, incentives or rewards) to get them to respond to your surveys. Survey incentives don’t have to be expensive though.
Automate your survey panel incentive for easier and faster disbursement of incentives.
The participants of this study were divided into two groups—the first group of 4000 people were invited to participate in a survey for an exclusive sweepstake of $2500 whereas the second group of 4000 people were asked to take a survey for $2 in cash. The survey was a one-minute feedback form about music and books.
The entire study started and ended on the same day and time.
The result?
- 19.3% participated for a $2 cash
- 12.2% participated for a $2500 sweepstake
This clearly shows that people show interest in completing a survey if they are sure that they will receive something, no matter if it is a small or big prize.
Depending on the attractiveness and quality of the survey incentive, your target audience responds to it better.
Best practices for market research incentives
- Tawarkan ahli panel anda sesuatu yang dekat dengan wang. Mata wang berjenama adalah motivator terhangat bagi ahli panel kerana kecairan dan fleksibiliti dalam pilihan.
- Setiap ahli panel harus diberi ganjaran dalam satu cara atau yang lain. Cabutan bertuah tingle tulang tamak ahli panel, tetapi sebahagian besar ahli panel tidak berpuas hati kerana tidak menerima insentif tersebut. Walaupun ia adalah tanda terima kasih yang kecil (cth. Langganan Spotify selama 30 hari), ia akan memastikan kumpulan teras ahli panel anda tetap utuh.
- Kekaburan adalah pembunuh sebenar bagi ahli panel tinjauan. Sampaikan panduan penebusan titik dan panduan penyelesaian tinjauan dari semasa ke semasa supaya ahli panel tidak hilang di pertengahan jalan, terutamanya semasa tinjauan pelbagai fasa.
- Leave survey panel incentives to automation and focus on market research. After all, the real treasure is the users’ opinion, not what they get in return.
- Elakkan daripada memberikan inventori hadiah bagi bekas barangan syarikat, buku harian, dan jam meja anda. Kekal fleksibel dengan menawarkan mata ganjaran yang boleh ditunaikan di kedai yang mempunyai pelbagai pilihan.
- Campurkan dan padankan sistem ganjaran untuk memastikan ahli panel bermotivasi.
- Teruskan menukar ahli panel anda dan bawa masuk lebih banyak kumpulan fokus daripada berpegang pada satu kumpulan orang. Tujuan tinjauan panel adalah untuk memeriksa situasi dari satu set mata yang segar.
Presenting incentives to your survey respondents is a rather tricky nut to crack, especially when the audience is in huge chunks, and they have to be awarded on the basis of progress. There's no need for you to do the work, however, as marketing research platforms have simplified platforms to help.
Pada penghujung hari, ia adalah baik dan baik jika anda menerima kadar tindak balas yang lebih tinggi dan mereka tepat.
Dengan itu, kadar tindak balas yang lebih rendah tidak ada yang mengecewakan kadang-kadang, kerana Krosnick, Visser, Marquette, dan Curtin menunjukkan bahawa kadar tindak balas yang lebih rendah hanya 20% menghasilkan hasil yang tepat berbanding dengan itu atau 70% dan 80%.
Memberi tumpuan bukan sahaja untuk meningkatkan kadar tindak balas tetapi juga seberapa tepat pengukuran adalah kunci untuk menjalankan sebarang tinjauan yang berjaya.
Selain itu, gunakan alatan seperti SurveyMonkey, Typeform, Survey Sparrow, Borang Google dan lain-lain untuk mendapatkan cerapan penting dalam tinjauan anda.
What's more?
Respondents can be rewarded with Xoxo-Codes and Points which can be redeemed at the Plum Stores catalog full of gift vouchers, experiences, perks, and more digital rewards. Want to try Plum as your market research service?
Book a demo today!