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A lead is a new customer or prospect that every business aims to connect. But it's not an easy task. Generating leads of high quality requires more effort and smart techniques to effectively promote your brand and attract potential customers.

In today's competitive digital world, every business strives to attract more customers and nurture relationships to convert into leads. In fact, without quality leads, you can't build up your loyal customers. According to the studies, 61% of marketers say generating leads is the most challenging task.

Giving a top priority to get more leads for your business will help to expand your customer base, increase profits and grow your business. As customers evolve, they rely on impactful tactics to generate more new prospects in unexpected ways.

Want to empower your strategy? Let's explore the effective techniques below to maximize your lead generation efforts.

Statistics can give a clear view of the importance of generating new leads for your business.

Why is Generating Leads Matters for Businesses?

Generating leads is one of the marketing processes to hook potential audiences to look over your product and interest them in purchasing it. The main purpose of lead generation is to help the potential buyer into the sales funnel until they buy your product.

As per the studies, 85% of B2B companies say lead generation is their main goal. Lead generation enhances brand awareness, builds strong communities, and results in sales-qualified leads.

Below is the diagram that illustrates the lead generation process.

How to Generate Leads: 7 Hacks to Get New Business Leads?

Lead generation comprises effective techniques to draw the attention of customers. With time customers evolve, so stay updated with the new approaches to influence your stranger to connect with your business in an organic way. Here are 7 hacks on how to het more leads.

#1 Build a Strategy to Mark Your Digital Footprint

First and foremost, to get in front of your potential customers, it is important to mark your digital footprint. But how? It's by taking a clear action plan and working for it. This includes creating attractive and informative content, using social media, leveraging hashtags, and more. Let's explore!

Tell Your Brand's Story in a Compelling Way

Think out of the box while introducing your business to potential customers. It means making videos that clearly showcase your niche and what you offer. Well, this lets your prospects know more about your business.

Also, create a compelling narrative your audience might be interested in watching. It should completely express your brand's mission, value, and unique selling proposition and differentiate you from your competitors.

Example: Coca-Cola is now one of the world's top consumer brands. It communicates its brand's story in a unique and compelling way that focuses on the heroes of humanity and successfully builds brand loyalty and large customers.

Find Out What to Tell

Creating a video to establish your brand is essential, but you can't make a video without an idea. So, research what you have to convey to your audience to impress them.

It means you have to learn about the needs of your customers, their pain points, and the challenges they face. Offering solutions to the problems might interest them in purchasing your product.

Use the Right Type of Hashtags

It's to be well said! Using the potential hashtags will hook your potential customers and make them tap on your posts. Hashtags can be targeted and strategic to enhance your online presence and acquire new customers.

Generally, using brand hashtags, many businesses are getting more user-generated content and building their credibility with unexpected reach.

Talk About Your Offerings

With the introduction of digital tools, the connections are made timeless. Reaching out to potential customers and communicating with them is easy with virtual connections.

More importantly, talking about the offering will impress your clients and make them take steps to purchase your products.

Ask for Testimonials

One of the valuable strategies to build trust in your brand is to ask your customers to share their experiences with your business. It's a great way to impact your buyer's decision and increase leads significantly.

Include a Call to Action

Want your customers to take action on purchasing your products? Plan to include a clear call to action.

It directs potential customers to your website and makes them take action, like subscribing to your newsletter, completing a purchase, or downloading an ebook.

#2 Take Advantage of Social Media Platforms

If your business is in the initial phase, you will never know how to enhance a brand's presence among potential customers. The great forte is that you can promote on various social media platforms without a little investment.

Social media platforms are the most effective tool to get more exposure and drive traffic to your website. Here have listed four key platforms to reach a massive audience and engage with potential clients.


Currently, there are approximately 2.98 billion active monthly users worldwide. The number states that this channel is the best lead-generation tool.

So, to establish your business and attract more prospects, create a Facebook page for your business and start sharing informative content. Furthermore, to target specific audiences try to take advantage of Facebook ads and mark your presence.

Example: Nike is a famous athletic brand that significantly gained more user traction by advertising on Facebook. The engaging videos step up their promotional efforts and build a strong brand image.


The world's craziest and trending social media platform. Is your prospect on TikTok? Let us explain that the user base on TikTok is now over 1 billion, and mostly younger generations dominate the platform.

According to studies, 92% of users are taking action after watching a brand's video on TikTok. So, to get more new leads, let's start creating unique TikTok and share it when your audience stays engaged on the platform to strengthen your exposure.

Example: Red Bull has been at the top place in creating trending content for years, so without any surprise, it exploded in popularity by featuring the videos on TikTok. Sharing viral content boosts enough sales for brands.


It is a platform for innovative and highly visual nature. Brands can create high-quality images and videos and share their products in an enticing way.

There is no doubt it connects with prospective customers and boosts sales leads.

Jordan Maylea does this on her Instagram by using photo dump posts like the one below. The carousel goes on to give helpful tips on sales funnels and then leads to her free resource link which gets people on to her email list

Example: Shopify, an eCommerce brand, grew tremendously by promoting on TikTok. It focuses on various strategies like partnering with creators, leveraging user-generated content, and more. This makes their brand's content more enticing and relevant to their audience. It tends to build a massive following and boosts sales.


Linkedln is a platform designed for professionals to connect with their networks.

It's a great channel for B2B businesses to establish a strong presence and engage their community of people.

Example: Many brands and businesses use LinkedIn and focus on the opportunity. HubSpot, a CRM platform, uses LinkedIn to connect with its network of professionals. It attracts more customers and gets more leads.

#3 Conduct Educational Webinars

Webinars are a fabulous way to showcase your skills to your target market. When interested people click on your content, they feel your brand is worthy and follow up on your social media pages. Around 95% of businesses prefer conducting webinars.

Webinars nurture the relationship with potential clients. So create topics that might interest your audience, address their challenges, and offer solutions with great insights. It builds your brand's credibility within your industry and boosts leads.

Example: Neil Patel conducts an exclusive webinar on various marketing topics. Providing insights about reliable strategies to attract a massive audience. Well, the webinar acts as a lead-generation tool by attracting more users.

#4 Create Informative & Value-Based Content

Based on your customer's journey, create valuable content for them and share it on various social media platforms.

This will bridge the trust gap and build strong relationships with potential clients. The informative video types are:

How-to Videos

Offering client value is one of the most essential techniques to establish your brand. So create videos that let your customers quickly know how to use your product, and face the challenges.

Sharing helpful tips helps establish your value and builds strong customer relationships.

Behind-the-Scenes Content

BTS content gives a glimpse into your business and the step-by-step process of your product manufacturing process.

It humanizes your brand and builds your brand's reputation among potential customers.

Example: BuzzFeed Tasty shared 'how to' videos on Facebook which got millions of views. It shared enticing images and videos and resulting in driving more customers.

#5 Emphasize Content Marketing

Content marketing emphasizes creating and sharing informative content. It takes time to research and create content for your audience.

However, get in on these trends and create content that influences viewers or readers into the buyer's journey. Well, content marketing successfully generates more leads for businesses.

Example: Cisco has successfully built a content marketing strategy and effectively runs its marketing campaigns. The team doesn't know how effective the tactics are. With time, they are stunned by the results. It results in building brand credibility, driving traffic, and growing leads.

#6 Leverage User-Generated Content

User-generated content sounds well for building the brand's trust and credibility. It is the content that your followers or customers generate. Let you know that UGC can be in any format, which is:

  • Videos
  • Product reviews
  • Images or graphics
  • Articles or posts
  • Audio

Getting positive reviews for your brands will build a strong impression of your brand.

Example: Hopefully, FITJEANS invited their loyal customers to share their reviews on the home page, building trust among jeans lovers.

#7 Partner with Potential Influencers

Influencer marketing is connecting with the person with a strong following in your potential market.

Remember to choose the influencers based on your brand's style and budget so that you can engage more of their followers and convert them into your customers. It results in generating more new leads.

Example: Glossier, a beauty brand, started as a small business. And now, with the perfect strategy and influencer marketing campaign successfully interacted with an amazing number of people and kept growing.

Final Takeaway

Folks, here you are! Generating more new leads for your business should be an essential part of your marketing strategy to grow your business. So, don't waste your time.

Let's spend your valuable time and money by smartly executing your campaign. Besides, stay aware of how your customers perceive things and curate the right tactics to generate more leads.

That's it on lead generation! Let's share your thoughts if you have any more ideas on how to work a lead generation campaign. We are waiting to get suggestions from you!

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