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According to research, 79% of students admitted that they had difficulty staying motivated. This problem has been exacerbated after schools switched to a remote learning format. Such changes require a special approach. In this article, we will share 10 remote learning incentives that can motivate your students.

In addition to teaching basic subjects, the teacher and the educational institution must ensure that the child has the desire to master the subjects. One of the most important nuances of encouragement is the presence of feedback, and how students respond to this or that method. It is also important that the praise is public and accessible to other participants in the process. Someone's victory will also be an additional remote learning incentive for others.

How to keep distance learners motivated: 10 best ideas

To keep students interested in learning, encourage them in different ways. This is also one of the most useful pedagogical qualities - to understand what exactly contributes to the greatest encouragement. It is worth remembering that the generation of modern students is special, with its own values, priorities, dreams, and opportunities.

In addition, it is important to take care of choosing effective educational platforms. This will help simplify the learning process and improve student performance. This platform can be the Studocu modern tool with the most common educational materials available anywhere in the world.

But even the best tools do not guarantee that a child will learn remotely with pleasure. Therefore, it is worth being on the same page with them, demanding certain knowledge and inspiring them through modern tools. You can make encouraging students convenient and effective with the help of Xoxoday. And we will talk about the options for stimulation later.

1. Branded gift cards

gift card options

For schoolchildren to be interested in learning, motivate them with branded gift cards. They can be ordered for a specific product, event, or event. Or develop your own with a suitable design, using internal requests and wishes of teachers.

An individual gift card for an institution is cool. It can be a trip to an art object, a trip, or a bonus on a purchase. In short, before organizing gift cards, it is important to analyze the requests of your student audience. Accordingly, the older the schoolchildren are, the more different their wishes and preferences will be.

They can have a term of validity or be of unlimited validity. Put yourself in the place of your pets and think whether they would like this idea. If so, don't waste time and make gift cards to inform them about exciting bonuses from the next lesson.

2. Charity/donations

Donation & charity cards

Our present-day involves an ever-increasing spread of charity. After all, many people in the world, including children, find themselves in situations they cannot handle independently. That's why there are thousands of relief funds to join. Find out which funds you can

Try to interest your children in the possibility of becoming a benefactor for someone. It can be a bonus for certain achievements in class or during the day. The amount of the donation should be small, such as one dollar. The value of the situation is different: first, the child receives a reward for his efforts. And secondly, in this way she learns to sympathize, be a philanthropist and support others.

Over time, the patronage system can be improved according to how schoolchildren react. Perhaps they will offer their system of donations or a goal for which funds are needed - helping sick people, homeless animals, supporting environmental ecology, etc.

3. Prepaid cards

Digital prepaid cards

Another way to reward hard work is with personalized prepaid cards. These are payment instruments that are slightly different from classic banking instruments. The essence of their use is to replenish the account. That is, you can define a table according to which to write down tasks and incentives for them in the financial plan.

For each completed exercise, a certain amount must be added to the card. This will be a great incentive for the child to learn because he can calculate how much he will receive on his card in advance.

The special feature of the card is that you can spend only the added amount, and not use the attached balance, as with a debit or credit card.

4. Direct payouts

An interesting financial point that can be applied to distance learning is direct payments. This is a kind of scholarship for effective study, the size, and the systematicity you can combine individually. The school management should develop a scheme according to which children will understand what and how much money they can receive. In many colleges, such a system is successfully practiced and supported by the parent committee.

5. Micro-payments

This is a popular financial scheme that provides access to the provided services or the distribution of certain content for a small amount. In working with children, they can be used as a separate incentive based on the week's results, for example. Usually, these are small amounts - up to 10 dollars, which, however, fully contribute to better assimilation of knowledge and skills remotely.

6. Experiences


Experiences can be a great stimulus to improve student performance and increase their motivation to learn.

Imagine how many students would like to receive free activities such as skydiving or scuba diving. They can become a weighty argument for improving the concentration on the learning process.

With Xoxoday, you can easily book a trip or any other leisure activity that will give you an unforgettable experience. A colossal catalog will help you find something to do, regardless of age category and preferences. Such remote learning incentives will be one of the best options for stimulating motivation.

Emphasize to your students the importance of learning by offering them to improve their knowledge in a specific field. In particular, for each success in education or at the end of a certain period, give them the opportunity to meet with a leading expert or specialist.

The system can look something like this: among the most successful students, you can play a meeting with a famous teacher or practitioner. Or some training under his leadership. Also, based on the quarter's results, you can win a certificate for completing an internship at a well-known company. And even at the beginning of the academic year, you can make a list of potential meetings and figures so that students can navigate how important it is for them.

7. Electronics

The modern educational process is impossible without computer devices and gadgets because most educational materials can be obtained from the Internet and used offline. But distance learning is impossible without them.

Therefore, a raffle of a certain device will be an effective incentive to improve learning results. It can be a laptop, a fitness bracelet, a smartwatch, etc. Decide in advance on which scale the winners will be selected so the children can quickly orientate themselves.

Systematic raffles of valuable gifts will be a good incentive for students. This can turn into a kind of competition in the class, between classes, etc. And in turn, they will help raise the quality indicators of the educational process to the desired level.

8. Point-based rewards

The incentive system, the features of which each institution comes up with individually. The point is to encourage schoolchildren to study and reward the best. A gift can be both material and a tour, tickets to a certain event. The conditions for determining the best should be clearly spelled out. For example, a gift for the highest score, absolute class attendance, the best test, etc.

The incentive system will change depending on the level (school, college, university). After all, it is worth taking into account the peculiarities of the hobby of your age category of pets.

9. Online training course sponsorships

Give them that opportunity if you understand that your students want to know more than what they get in class. For example, an educational institution can reward the most successful students with certificates for completing training courses at the end of half a year or a year of study. These can be specialized, narrow-profile, or for general development.

The raffle of such certificates is most expedient to be held among high school students, students, and free listeners. At this age, they are most aware of the importance of this form of education and appreciate this bonus. In addition, it is a good opportunity for the students to feel their importance in the school family and to understand their inclination to a certain field, to choose a specialty for a further profession.

10. Free lunch or dinner

Among the incentives for distance learning students, a lunch or dinner certificate would also be a good option. Considering the fact that the child spends most of the time at home, the opportunity to go out and spend leisure time usefully will be an additional incentive. It can be a certificate for lunch for one person, with a friend, or for lunch with a teacher.

Such informal communication can have a positive effect on improving the relationship between the teacher and pupils. And also the opportunity to get to know your student better, his dreams, plans, and aspirations.

Encouragement is the key to success

As you can see, there are various ways to encourage children to study even remotely. However, this requires the teacher to be motivated and look for new approaches in working with children. The remote form should not be considered a limitation but an example of a new effective approach using modern methods and technologies.

Whichever method you choose, it is worth remembering that not only physical incentives can achieve results. First, help students understand the importance of learning and set a goal for themselves. Clarify exactly how you should organize your working time and space so that learning is not burdensome, but enjoyable. So it will be much easier for them to take daily steps if there is a big idea ahead.

Encourage children to give feedback, otherwise, it will be difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of your teaching and encouragement system. And they will learn to express their opinions, draw appropriate conclusions, and discuss and defend their point of view. Do not forget about communication with parents. After all, they are also an important part of the educational process.

If cooperation with parents is established, the student will receive appropriate support from teachers and relatives. However, do not try to shift all the responsibility onto the shoulders of parents, the teacher's strategy should be clear and effective. Any attempt to encourage the child should be unobtrusive. Otherwise, there will be little chance of success.

And remember that no matter how perfectly organized an online lesson is, children will still miss live communication. Therefore, try to gather them more often online, find time for informal communication, and hear about their wishes, requests, successes, and household chores. Creating an atmosphere of trust will give them a sense of community.

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