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Xoxoday’s Guest Blogging Guidelines

Thanks for showing interest in contributing to the Xoxoday blog! We love guest contributions because it not only gives us the opportunity to receive in-depth, expert insights but also be able to provide content on diverse topics for our niche readers.

Please note that we receive a lot of requests on a daily basis, and not all get selected. To help you understand what we are expecting, we have put together some important guidelines to give you the best chance at success.

Our audience: Marketers, Marketing Agencies, Advertisers, Business owners, Sales Partners, and HR Managers, looking to figure out the best ways to reward their employees, customers, prospects, vendors, and contractors while bringing engagement and brand loyalty.

We accept guest posts on the following topics:

  • ABM marketing
  • Corporate Gifting
  • Customer Experience
  • Customer Loyalty
  • Customer Retention & Advocacy
  • Survey & Incentives
  • Sales & Consumer Promotions
  • Reward & Referral Marketing
  • Challenges in the Rewarding Ecosystem
  • Channel Incentives
  • Holiday Gifting
Important Things to Note:

➼ First things first—we will collaborate and agree on a topic and outline. Don’t start writing until we have done this!

➼ Once we agree on the topic and outline, let us know your deadline for submitting the article for our review.

➼ After your blog is ready, send it to us as a Google Doc. Use these sharing settings: On – Anyone with the link; Access – Can edit.

➼ We will review it and make the necessary edits in the Doc, so make a copy if you’d like to keep an original version of your writing.

➼ Send a short paragraph about yourself for the bio. This can include a link to your LinkedIn profile and/or your website. We will let you know when the post is scheduled to go live.

➼ If we publish the post, the content will be owned by Xoxoday.

➼ We will not publish your blog if it has plagiarism issues or includes any promotional content (links to your homepage or service/product page). However, we accept 1 external link (that should redirect to a blog page) in exchange for a link from a website of DA 75+.

➼ We will not republish anything that's been published elsewhere.

Guest Post Requirements:

  • Excellent content. We want writers who can write unique, impressive, impactful, high-quality, and well-researched blogs.
  • Posts should be 2000 - 2500+ words in length: We find this is a sweet spot with our readers, and you’ll fit in with the rest of our blogs this way. Longer is good, too.
  • Break up your content, so it’s easy to read: This means including headings, subheadings, bullets, and any other visual elements to increase the readability of your piece.
  • Write in a natural, conversational/formal tone. We want to share content that is authoritative but not robotic. We’re producing blog content — not Wikipedia pages, so don’t shy away from showing off your sense of humor. If your blog was a movie, the highest rating we’d want to see on it is PG-13.
  • Your content must be 100% original and plagiarism-free. Original concepts, compelling arguments, and high-quality writing. That’s what we need! We do not accept duplicate or syndicated content.
  • Cite your sources: We understand that you’re an expert, but our audience might not be so sure. So if you're going to drop some stats (i.e., "employee engagement jumped by 55%"), link back to the source and make sure it's from an authoritative site. Use data points whenever necessary and make sure to back them up with credible sources that are not older than 2-3 years.
  • Talk about your real-world experience. Talk about your mistakes, plans you have built, and strategies you have executed. Draw on your personal experience to speak authoritatively about what you know about the respective topic. Feel free to explain each of your points with real and measurable examples.
  • Link to at least 3-5 other existing blogs in your piece. We love it when writers find a way to link back to our older posts that relate to the topic you’re writing about.
  • Add a punchy ending to your thoughts: Summarize the overarching message and conclude with a riveting dictum if possible. Summary ending with a question or directive to the reader will be a plus. Include an actionable CTA (Call to Action) so that readers know what to do next.
  • Be 100% prepared for edits. We may ask you to make as many corrections as possible if something still isn't right or feels off in the content. This could be anywhere from minor edits or re-doing a few sections entirely. While we understand that too many cooks spoil the broth, we expect top-notch quality, and if that requires magnitudes of edits, then that's what we shall convey. So please feel free to ask us questions before your submissions.

The submission process

  • Check if the topic you want to cover has not already been covered in our blogs.
  • Email us at [email protected] with your blog topic ideas to get started.
  • Please include links to your LinkedIn profile and previously published work samples. We want to get to know you and your writing style.
  • Give us a week to let you know if your topic is accepted.
  • Before you start writing the blog post, we strongly recommend you send us a short outline. That way we can check if we are on the same page about the writing style and content.
  • If the content or approach has any dissonance, we would request you to modify it based on our feedback.
  • When submitting a post, please include a three-sentence author bio.
  • The author's Profile paragraph can contain 1 link back to your web page/ portfolio page/ Twitter handle. All links will open in a new tab.
  • We will evaluate the content for originality, flow, grammar, and readability - which will be the final determinant to publishing. Once we receive the guest blog, we reserve the right to edit it, optimize for SEO or reject it if it’s not a good fit for our audience.

Last but not least

To widen your blog’s reach, our team will share it on all our social media profiles (Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter).

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