25 Customer Loyalty Survey Questions to Must Include in Survey Questionnaire

Have you ever heard the phrase "Customer is King"? This is true, of course, as any company needs consumers in order to expand, prosper, and generate profits. Whether you own a small or large firm, winning over your customers' loyalty must be your first concern. A study conducted by Bain & Company has revealed that a 5% increase in retention correlates with at least a 25% profit margin in the business.

With Customer loyalty becoming a vital component of any successful business, building and maintaining strong relationships with your customers to retain them and attract new ones through positive word-of-mouth takes precedence in 2024.

One effective way to gauge customer loyalty is by conducting a customer loyalty survey. A well-designed survey can provide valuable insights into your customers' perceptions of your brand, their level of satisfaction, and their likelihood to continue doing business with you.  A study conducted by PwC has shared that 35% of millennials and 39% of GenZ would rather try a new brand than face difficulties during the service.

In this blog, we will share 25 customer loyalty survey questions to help you measure and improve customer loyalty. These questions are carefully crafted to cover different aspects of customer loyalty, including customer satisfaction, brand perception, and likelihood to recommend.

By using these questions in your customer loyalty survey, you will be able to identify areas of strength and weakness, pinpoint customer pain points, and ultimately, build stronger relationships with your customers. So, let's dive in and explore these 25 customer loyalty survey questions to help you gather valuable insights and strengthen your customer relationships.

How to measure customer loyalty?

Here are different ways to measure customer loyalty.

1. Recency

Recency is a way to keep track of how recently a consumer purchased products/services from your business. Recency may be a highly helpful loyalty indicator if your company sells commonplace things or offers commonplace services, like online retail or e-commerce businesses.

You should keep track of how frequently clients come back to your organization. The company or organization may have difficulty with client loyalty even if the spent by each customer visit keeps rising but if recency is decreasing.

2. Visitation pattern

The number of times a consumer uses your business for products and services is referred to as visit frequency. Monitoring visit frequency may be used as a substitute for the Share of Wallet approach and can aid in your understanding of consumer behavior patterns.

3. Value of active customers

The quantity of active and dependable clients a company has is referred to as active customer value. A company would be better able to measure customer loyalty if it had a clear understanding of the number of active consumers in terms of transactions and content engagement.

4. Customer loyalty index

This is a crucial tool for monitoring customer loyalty over time. It considers the customer's rates of upselling and repeat purchases as well as the values of the Net Promoter Score.

5. Share of wallet

Share of wallet is a crucial technique for monitoring client loyalty in your business since it gauges how much money customers are spending in specific sales or service industry categories. Your company might create more effective tactics for client loyalty and retention if you knew how it operated.

Technically, it denotes some level of client loyalty if a consumer keeps using a specific sales or service company category. This is distinct from attracting more clients to a specific company category since a person's ability to spend money in a given category is fixed.

6. Customer lifetime value

Customer lifetime value is a way to measure how long a customer would continue to use your company's products and services before ceasing to do so. You may monitor a customer's progress over time with its assistance.

Additionally, a corporation may decide how much to invest in maintaining a profitable business relationship with a client by using customer lifetime value (s). When a company is developing its business case and client retention initiatives, this information is quite helpful.

7. Weight of purchase

This is also known as the spend per transaction approach because it illustrates how much an individual consumer invests in your company with each purchase. You may keep track of any changes in the customer's financial habits using the weight of the purchase.

The amount of money a consumer spends each transaction can be impacted by factors like a price rise. A reduction in the weight of purchase may indicate that a consumer is sharing their purchasing power with a rival company.

25 Customer Loyalty Survey Questions

Here are 25 customer loyalty survey questions:

1. How likely will you refer or recommend our product/ service to your family or friends?

  • Very likely
  • Likely
  • Neutral
  • Somewhat likely
  • Not likely

One of the best measures of consumer loyalty is face-to-face marketing. Your clients will believe in what you have to offer if they are prepared to suggest your products and services to their friends and relatives.

2. How long have you been a customer of our company?

  • 0-5 years
  • 5-10 years
  • 10-15 years
  • 15-20 years
  • 20 years and above

You may use this question to assess your company's ability to retain customers.

3. How probable is it that you'll join a rival company?

  • Very likely
  • Likely
  • Neutral
  • Somewhat likely
  • Not likely

This is another potent sign of a dedicated consumer base. If your clients are open to switching to a rival brand, it means that you still have a long way to go to win their loyalty.

4. How likely are you to continue using our services?

  • Very likely
  • Likely
  • Neutral
  • Somewhat likely
  • Not likely

This helps in keeping track of your company's customer retention rate.

5. How likely are you to encourage other people to use our services?

  • Very likely
  • Likely
  • Neutral
  • Somewhat likely
  • Not likely

One of the best measures of client loyalty is this query. Customers that are loyal to a business are more likely to tell their friends and family about it.

6. How likely are you to utilize our product or service more frequently?

  • Very likely
  • Likely
  • Neutral
  • Somewhat likely
  • Not likely

Loyal clients would be eager to increase their support for your business.

7. How user-friendly is our offering?

You might use this query to seek opinions on your product or service. Gaining client loyalty would be much easier if you tailored your offerings to your customers' wants.

8. How successfully does our customer service staff respond to your inquiries?

  • Very well
  • Quite well
  • Neutral
  • Worse
  • Worst

9. How likely are you to use our product/services again?

  • Very likely
  • Likely
  • Neutral
  • Somewhat likely
  • Not likely

10. Are you open to trying out some of our other products/services?

  • Yes
  • No

11. What do you enjoy the best about our services?

Customers can emphasize the aspects of an organization's services that they value the most by answering this feedback question.

12. How would you assess the quality of our service?

13. What do you think of our customer service staff?

14. Do you want a rewards program for customers?

  • Yes
  • No

15. To what extent do you trust this company?

Customers are more likely to remain loyal to your brand if they believe in it.

16. How trustworthy is this company?

Customer loyalty depends heavily on brand reliability since consumers will only stick with brands they trust.

17. Was our products/products up to your standards?

Customers are more likely to make a second purchase if the item or service they received met their needs.

18. Do you have any more thoughts, advice, or observations?

It is crucial to provide clients a chance to offer comments on how your company should deliver its services.

19. How would you characterize our offerings?

20. How well do our goods and services suit your demands, on a scale of 1 to 5?

21. How pleased are you with our company, on a scale of 1 to 10?

22. How would you rate the product's quality?

23. How would you assess our service's cost-effectiveness?

24. How helpful have we been in responding to your comments, questions, and grievances?

25. How can we improve the way we offer services?

Your company must be customer-focused if you want to gain consumer loyalty. You may do this by asking for comments on the quality of your service.

Importance of customer loyalty survey

There are a lot of importance of customer loyalty surveys and the following are the most important ones:

1. Customer retention

Having devoted consumers who will stick with you through thick and thin is the foundation of the majority of organizations. It provides you a sense of security when you have consumers that continue to do business with you.

2. Ease of upselling and cross-selling

While it's necessary to constantly have a fresh batch of leads on hand, it's even more crucial that you look after your current clients.

A returning customer is worth more than a new one. Why? Considering that they like doing business with you and are more inclined to spend extra for your novel items. They have a fantastic relationship with you and have faith in your knowledge, therefore they will also be simple to upsell and cross-sell to.

3. Measuring real customer satisfaction

While most companies are aware of how crucial repeat customers are, they often underestimate how dependent these clients are on you. In other words, most companies make the assumption that the majority of their clients are quite content with them.

That might not always be the case, but it is unquestionably the last thing you ought to rely on. Customer loyalty survey questions are quite important in this situation.

4. Gathering competitive intelligence

Setting yourself apart from most of your rivals by asking questions in customer loyalty surveys. In order to receive the information you need from the customer loyalty survey, you must ask the correct questions.

To learn more about what is on your customers' thoughts, you may ask them a range of customer experience survey questions. These loyalty-related inquiries are crucial for reducing client churn.

Key takeaways

Every business should focus on increasing customer loyalty since it has so many advantages. It is a tried-and-true method for expanding a business's clientele, bringing in more money, and solidifying your brand in your target market.

Every company should monitor the degree of customer loyalty it enjoys, and one way to accomplish this is by using a customer loyalty survey form. Questions on a customer loyalty survey form include all of the critical aspects of your company.