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In the ever-evolving digital communication landscape, newsletters remain a powerful tool for connecting with your audience. However, with inboxes flooded with messages competing for attention, finding ways to stand out is crucial. 

One effective strategy is leveraging the psychology of rewards to boost your newsletter open rates. In this blog post, we'll explore how incorporating rewards into your email marketing strategy can significantly impact engagement and ultimately contribute to the success of your campaigns.

The transformative impact of rewards 

The prospect of reward strongly influences human behavior. Whether it's a sense of accomplishment, a tangible prize, or exclusive access to valuable content, the promise of something positive triggers a response in the brain. This principle is at the core of why rewards work so effectively in email marketing.

  • Curiosity and anticipation: When subscribers know there's something valuable waiting for them in your newsletter, curiosity is piqued, and anticipation builds. It's the same feeling when unwrapping a gift – the excitement of discovering something new and beneficial.
  • Establishing value: Offering rewards communicates the value of your content. It tells your subscribers that their time is valued and there's something in it for them. This perception of value strengthens the relationship between you and your audience, fostering trust and loyalty.
Unleash the power of personalized rewards

Say goodbye to one-size-fits-all approaches. Xoxday Plum empowers you to tailor rewards based on your subscribers' preferences, ensuring that each open is met with content that resonates personally. From exclusive content to limited-time offers, captivate your audience with rewards crafted just for them.

5 strategies for incorporating rewards in newsletter emails

Here are five effective strategies for incorporating rewards:

1. Exclusive content

Provide your subscribers with exclusive access to premium content. This could include industry insights, expert interviews, or sneak peeks into upcoming products or services. Make them feel like insiders, and they'll be more likely to open your newsletters consistently.

2. Discounts and promotions

Everyone loves a good deal. Offering exclusive discounts or promotions to your newsletter subscribers encourages them to open your emails and drives sales and conversions. Highlight the exclusivity of these offers to make subscribers feel special.

3. Contests and giveaways

Running contests or giveaways within your newsletters adds an element of excitement. Whether it's a chance to win a prize or be featured in your following newsletter, this interactive approach engages your audience and motivates them to open up and participate.

🎁 Host irresistible giveaways and contests

Capture attention and create anticipation with Xoxday Plum's seamless integration of giveaways and contests. Drive opens by offering prizes that leave your subscribers eagerly awaiting each newsletter. It's not just an email; it's an opportunity to win big and engage even bigger!

4. Milestones and recognition

Acknowledge your subscribers' loyalty by celebrating milestones. This could be the anniversary of their subscription or reaching a certain engagement level. Recognition fosters a sense of belonging and appreciation, encouraging continued interaction.

5. Tracking and analyzing results

Tracking and analyzing the data is essential to truly understand the impact of rewards on your newsletter open rates. Use analytics tools to monitor how different types of rewards influence subscriber behavior. Pay attention to open, click-through, and conversion rates to fine-tune your approach and optimize future campaigns.

Not that we've learned how rewards help to increase the efficiency of emails; now, let us explore some of the compelling subject lines for the newsletter.

Subject lines are the first thing that attracts audiences’ attention. With this, the audience is interested in reading the newsletter's contents. To make your subject lines attractive, you should ensure they are short, meaningful, and relevant. Here are 50 such compelling subject lines you could use.

50 righe di oggetto irresistibili per le newsletter

Ecco alcuni esempi di oggetto di newsletter efficaci per suscitare l'interesse del lettore:

  1. Appena arrivato: Le migliori soluzioni per aumentare lo spazio di archiviazione.
  2. Vi presentiamo i migliori consigli per tenere lontana la tristezza del lunedì.
  3. Aggiornamento importante: siete ancora in tempo per rinnovare il vostro abbonamento!
  4. Scoprite le novità di (marchio).
  5. Consultate il nostro nuovo post su (argomento).
  6. Ecco gli ultimi 3 giorni per accaparrarsi il nostro prodotto a prezzo scontato.
  7. Abbonatevi per tenervi aggiornati sulle ultime tendenze della tecnologia.
  8. La tanto attesa vendita è ora LIVE!
  9. La guida per principianti all'uso di (prodotto) è ora pronta all'uso.
  10. Questa edizione presenta le più recenti strategie per il miglioramento della produttività.
  11. Non perdetevi lo scoop: Iscrivetevi oggi stesso alla nostra newsletter!
  12. Attirate più contatti organici con la nostra guida esclusiva.
  13. Accelerate i vostri ritorni con la nostra guida B2B.
  14. Informazioni urgenti all'interno: informatevi prima dei vostri concorrenti!
  15. Un'anticipazione del nostro evento dimostrativo tenutosi la scorsa settimana.
  16. Se siete alla ricerca di strumenti per la gestione del tempo, questa guida fa per voi.
  17. Non perdete l'ultima occasione per risparmiare il 25%.
  18. Attenzione: Sono arrivate le incredibili intuizioni per sbloccare il vostro potenziale.
  19. Affrettatevi! Ancora pochi giorni per approfittare della nostra offerta di spedizione gratuita.
  20. Vi presentiamo i nostri nuovissimi strumenti di gestione dei progetti.
  21. Ecco 10 motivi per cui dovreste entrare in contatto con noi.
  22. Omaggio all'interno: Una guida gratuita di 2 minuti su come scalare la vostra crescita.
  23. Aggiornamenti importanti da non perdere!
  24. Avete richiesto il vostro omaggio con l'abbonamento annuale?
  25. Conferma della registrazione: il vostro emozionante viaggio con (marchio) inizia ora!
  26. Lead generation semplificata: ottimi consigli all'interno.
  27. Fai da te: Consigli per mantenersi in salute quest'inverno.
  28. Ecco alcune delle ultime novità in fatto di arredamento per il lavoro da casa.
  29. Suggerimenti per rafforzare il legame con i clienti.
  30. Iscrivetevi oggi stesso alla nostra newsletter per sbloccare il vostro pass VIP per contenuti illimitati.
  31. Preparatevi a brillare durante la stagione: ecco i consigli di moda per la primavera.
  32. Guida esclusiva: Scoprite come potete alimentare la vostra crescita di oltre 5 volte.
  33. I consigli più necessari per scoprire il potenziale dei vostri dipendenti.
  34. Preparatevi a un'esperienza indimenticabile: Dettagli all'interno.
  35. Dare potere alle aziende con la nostra guida esperta.
  36. Sapete che presto lanceremo il nostro sito aggiornato?
  37. Vi aiutiamo a rimanere informati: iscrivetevi oggi stesso!
  38. Agite ora! Non perdete l'ultima occasione.
  39. Iscriviti per ricevere le idee di tendenza nella tua casella di posta elettronica.
  40. Grandi offerte all'interno: fantastiche idee regalo per i vostri dipendenti.
  41. Siete lì? Vi aspettiamo con un aggiornamento.
  42. Abbiamo qualcosa per tutti.
  43. Aumentate il ROI con i suggerimenti dei nostri esperti.
  44. Liberate il vostro potenziale nascosto con alcuni consigli sorprendenti.
  45. Se volete sapere cosa ci rende diversi, cliccate qui per leggere.
  46. Unitevi a noi a (evento).
  47. Restate sintonizzati! Torneremo presto.
  48. Volete sapere cosa c'è di nuovo in (marchio)?
  49. Ciao a tutti! Sapevate che il 53% dei marketer destina quasi la metà del proprio budget alla lead generation?
  50. Here is our latest edition with a once-in-a-lifetime offer.

How to write newsletter subject lines

Writing effective newsletter subject lines is essential to improve open rates and engagement with your content. Here's a guide on how to craft compelling subject lines:

  • Understand your audience: Start by knowing who you're talking to. Tailor your subject line to resonate with your audience's interests, preferences, and pain points.
  • Keep it short and sweet: Most email clients display about 50-60 characters in the subject line before cutting it off. Keep it concise to ensure your main message isn't lost.
  • Convey urgency or exclusivity: Using phrases like "Limited time offer," "Exclusive deal," or "Last chance" can make subscribers feel they'll miss out if they don't act quickly.
  • Personalize: Use the recipient's name or other personal information (like purchase history) to make the subject line more relevant. For example, "John, check out these new arrivals!"
  • Pose a question: Asking a question can pique curiosity and make subscribers want to open the email for the answer.
  • Provide a benefit or value: Clearly communicate what's in it for the subscriber. For example, "10 tips to improve your writing skills."
  • Use actionable language: Use verbs that inspire action, such as "Discover," "Grab," or "Learn."
  • Test and optimize: A/b testing different subject lines will give insights into what resonates most with your audience. Adjust based on the results to improve open rates.
  • Avoid spammy words: Phrases like "Free money," "Earn cash," or "Win prizes" can land your email in the spam folder. Ensure your language sounds genuine and avoids typical spam triggers.
  • Be genuine: Overhyping content or making false promises can erode trust. Make sure the subject line reflects the content of your newsletter.
  • Use numbers: Numbers can make your subject line stand out and offer a clear idea of what to expect. For example, "5 ways to boost your productivity."
  • Leverage emojis carefully: Emojis can make your subject line pop, but use them sparingly and ensure they're relevant to your message and audience.
  • Preview and proofread: Always check how your subject line looks in different email clients. And, of course, ensure there are no typos or grammatical errors.

Newsletter subject lines best practices

Here are seven best practices for crafting compelling newsletter subject lines:

1. Keep it concise

Due to varying email client standards and the widespread use of mobile devices, there's limited space to display subject lines. A concise subject line ensures your entire message is visible without getting cut off. Additionally, in today's fast-paced world, people often skim through their inboxes. A brief and clear subject line can quickly convey the essence of your email, making it more likely to be opened.

Example: "New Summer Collection Just Landed!"

2. Personalize the subject

Personalization caters to the individual needs and preferences of each subscriber. When a reader sees their name or a reference to a past purchase, it creates a connection, making the email feel more relevant and tailored to them. This increases the likelihood of engagement and reduces the chance of the email being overlooked.

Example: "Anna, a special gift awaits you inside!"

3. Leverage action words

Action words or verbs create a sense of momentum. For instance, words like "Discover," "Grab," "Learn," and "Get" push the reader towards taking action. They instill a proactive feeling, suggesting there's value or information awaiting them inside the email.

Example: "Discover the Top Reads for Spring."

4. Instill urgency or fomo (fear of missing out)

Humans are naturally driven by the fear of missing out on opportunities. By creating a sense of urgency or exclusivity, you're tapping into this psychological trigger. Phrases suggesting limited availability or time can prompt subscribers to open the email immediately rather than postponing it.

Example: "Only 5 Seats Left! Register Now."

5. Pose a provocative question

Questions engage the brain automatically. When you ask a question in your subject line, you're prompting the reader to think about an answer. This curiosity often leads them to open the email, especially if the question is relevant to their interests or needs.

Example: "Looking for the perfect summer dress?"

6. Stay authentic

Trust is crucial in any relationship, including between a brand and its subscribers. Clickbait or misleading subject lines might get an email opened once, but they can erode trust. If readers feel they can't trust the content you're sending, they're more likely to unsubscribe or mark your emails as spam in the future.

7. A/B testing

Not all audiences are the same. What works for one newsletter's audience might not work for another's. By running a/b tests (sending two versions of a subject line to different audience segments), you can gather data on what resonates best with your subscribers. Over time, this continuous testing and refining process can significantly improve your open rates.

Examples of subject lines from famous brands

Here are 5 examples newsletter subject lines from famous brands.

1. Apple: "Introducing the All-New iPhone 13"

Apple's subject line is effective because it creates a sense of excitement and curiosity. People are always eager to learn about the latest products from Apple, and this subject line capitalizes on that by using words like "introducing" and "all-new." It also includes the product name, iPhone 13, which is specific and recognizable to Apple enthusiasts.

2. Amazon: "Don't Miss Out on Prime Day Deals!"

Amazon's subject line is great because it conveys a sense of urgency and exclusivity. It taps into the fear of missing out (FOMO) by using "Don't Miss Out." Additionally, it mentions "Prime Day," which is a highly anticipated event for Amazon Prime members, making it relevant and enticing to their target audience.

3. Nike: "New Arrivals: Fresh Styles for Your Workout"

Nike's subject line is effective because it focuses on the audience's interests and needs. By mentioning "New Arrivals" and "Fresh Styles," they signal that subscribers can find the latest trends in workout wear. This subject line caters to the desire for new and trendy fitness apparel.

4. Starbucks: "Get Your Free Birthday Drink - It's on Us!"

Starbucks' subject line is compelling because it offers a tangible benefit and personalization. By mentioning "Free Birthday Drink" and "It's on Us," Starbucks makes subscribers feel special and valued. Everyone loves a free treat on their birthday, making this subject line highly engaging.

5. Airbnb: "Escape to a Secluded Paradise - Exclusive Discounts Inside"

Airbnb's subject line is effective because it combines elements of escapism and exclusivity. The mention of a "Secluded Paradise" appeals to the desire for unique and picturesque travel experiences. Additionally, the promise of "Exclusive Discounts Inside" incentivizes subscribers to open the email and explore the offers.

A great newsletter's subject lines often incorporate some or all of the following elements:

Curiosity: Making the reader wonder what's inside.
Urgency: Indicating there's a limited-time offer or news.
Personalization: Making the recipient feel the email was crafted just for them.
Value proposition: Clearly indicating the benefit or deal.
Visual appeal: Using emojis or other visual elements to stand out in an inbox.

3 of the best email newsletter examples we’ve ever seen

Here are 3 of the best email newsletter examples we’ve ever seen.

1. Canva

Canva dispatches roughly 5 emails every month, ensuring each is meticulously designed to boost engagement and maintain user interest. One such email newsletter from Canva offers an in-depth look into Facebook features for ecommerce, including Facebook Shops that enable direct shopping from the platform.

Canva recognizes that a significant portion of its user base comprises small ecommerce businesses. These businesses craft their own promotional materials and seek straightforward templates for product advertisements, newsfeed entries, and other business-related content.

Newsletter example from Canva.

2. Creative Boom

Creative Boom, a UK-centric arts and design magazine, is tailored for artists, illustrators, and designers. Their email newsletter showcases a blend of intriguing and motivational article summaries accompanied by stunning visuals, topped with an elegant header GIF.

Newsletter example from Creative Boom

3. Asana

Asana's edition embraces several best practices. It features a central CTA button promoting their e-book download, and the content is oriented around a seasonal theme. Specifically, Asana delves into the topic of mid-year goal assessment, a crucial focal point for professionals across corporate America and knowledge-based sectors globally. Additionally, the email is adorned with Asana's signature visuals – crisp, geometric, and distinctly contemporary illustrations.

Newletter example from Asana.

Punti di forza

Con un oggetto convincente, si invitano più lettori. Ci auguriamo che gli esempi sopra elencati siano utili per creare il vostro. Siate creativi e coinvolgete il vostro pubblico con un oggetto sorprendente. Comprendete bene il vostro pubblico, in modo che i vostri oggetti rispondano ai suoi punti dolenti.

Collaboratore ospite

Spesso ci imbattiamo in scrittori fantastici che preferiscono pubblicare i loro scritti sui nostri blog ma preferiscono rimanere anonimi. Dedichiamo questa sezione a tutti i supereroi che fanno il passo più lungo della gamba per noi.