How To Build A Year-Round Client Engagement Strategy
Client engagement strategy is the key to building a strong customer base that trusts your business and converts. Read this guide on building a year-round strategy.
Gifts That Glitter: Unwrapping the Charm of Gifting Gold for Every Occasion
Gifting gold for every occasion for timeless elegance. Explore unique and precious gold gifts that add a touch of sparkle to celebrations and create memories.
How to Build a B2B Loyalty Program
Creating a B2B loyalty program isn't just about offering discounts or rewards, but it's about understanding your clients' needs and delivering value at every touchpoint. So, tailor your offerings and ensure that the benefits of the program are both tangible and relevant.
B2B Loyalty Programs: Your Blueprint for Business Success
Delve into the world of B2B loyalty programs and discover the transformative power of the right rewards. This exploration uncovers how thoughtful incentives can elevate customer engagement and forge enduring business partnerships.
Ide Hadiah Digital untuk Mendorong Keterlibatan dalam Kampanye Demand Generation Anda
Mencari ide untuk mendorong keterlibatan untuk kampanye penciptaan permintaan Anda? Kami membagikan beberapa hadiah digital favorit kami yang memberi penghargaan kepada audiens Anda dengan ajakan bertindak yang sederhana.
237+ Unique Digital Gift Ideas for Everyone in your Business Ecosystem
Spread the holiday cheer with digital gift ideas from Xoxoday to your entire business ecosystem including coworkers, customers, channel partners, and vendors.
10 Strategi Retensi Pelanggan yang Jitu untuk Mengungguli Upaya Anda di Tahun 2025!
How to increase customer retention and satisfaction? Move over discounts and rebates and try these tactics.
Panduan untuk Masa Depan Insentif: Kartu Hadiah Digital
Kartu hadiah digital adalah tren terpanas dalam hal insentif dan penghargaan. Kartu hadiah digital membantu bisnis dari semua ukuran untuk meningkatkan retensi dan keterlibatan pelanggan, membangun loyalitas merek, dan meningkatkan penjualan. Panduan ini berisi semua yang perlu Anda ketahui tentang cara terbaik menggunakan kartu hadiah digital.
Bagaimana Kartu Prabayar Virtual Dapat Mengatasi Masalah Pembayaran Berulang Internasional Pasca Pedoman RBI
After RBI guidelines, some of the most common recurring payments have been affected. From Pan to Snapdeal, the future doesn’t involve waiting for the dreaded authorization “reminder.” Swap these de facto options with virtual prepaid cards!
How Businesses Can Use Virtual Prepaid Visa & Mastercard to Make Global Payments Instantly
Prepaid virtual cards are an inexpensive, convenient & safe way to fund global transactions. It allows businesses to manage their cash flow, mitigate the risk of fraudulent transactions and keep better track of expenses. Learn how virtual prepaid cards are a promising solution for global payments.
How Businesses Can Use Virtual Prepaid Cards to Manage Marketing & Ad Spend
Businesses today have more opportunities than ever before to use virtual prepaid cards in ways that extend their marketing and ad budgets. Virtual prepaid cards offer businesses flexibility, anonymity, and the ability to easily track their spending.
Your Ultimate Guide to Virtual Prepaid Reward Cards – Instantaneous, Secure & Convenient Gifting
Virtual prepaid reward cards are the perfect way to give any gift. They are a safe, secure, and easy way to support your favorite charitable organization without the dangers and hassles of giving cash.
Omnichannel Customer Experience: What it is and Why you Need it
A great omnichannel customer experience is no longer a nice-to-have. Instead, it's a must-to-have because customers are increasingly spoiled for choice. Get to know what it is and unveil some interesting examples and strategies to make your customers happy.
Experiential Rewards & Incentives: A Catalyst for Stronger Relationships
Explore this ultimate guide to unravel the tips and tricks on how to make the most out of your experiential gifts. Whether you're looking for the best gifts experience for your employees, colleagues, or partners, we got you covered.
The Hidden Potential of Prepaid Cards for Rewarding
Prepaid cards enable recipients to spend money on anything and everything up to the amount loaded onto the card. Their ease of use, simplicity, and convenience make them a highly-desired option for rewarding. They are equivalent to cash, can deliver instant gratification, and can be customized.
Employee Experience and Customer Experience: The Association and How to Improve them with Rewards
Every organization, be it in any industry, benefits from enhancing their EX. Employee experience and customer experience share a direct association to revenue. Interacting with happy customers makes things more pleasant and validates the efforts your employees do for your company every day.
How to Run a Successful Webinar with Rewards: A Customer Success Story
Here’s an interesting customer success story that tells you how to run a successful webinar using rewards.
How to Deliver Great Customer Experience to Grow your Bottomline?
Read our blog to identify several ways to put your customer service at the top of the game in your industry and deliver great customer experience.
Customer Experience vs Customer Service: The Real Difference
Customer service is just one small piece of the puzzle called customer journey, which drastically impacts the overall customer experience. In that sense, they aren’t just closely intertwined but share a deeply correlative existence.
A Complete Guide to Customer Experience
Customer experience is the holistic impression that a customer has on a brand in every aspect of a buyer's journey. This impacts the bottom line of a brand, including revenue.
Panduan Komprehensif untuk Program Loyalitas Pelanggan
Program loyalitas pelanggan adalah strategi pemasaran yang terstruktur dengan baik yang diterapkan oleh sebuah merek untuk membuat pelanggan (yang terkait dengan program tersebut) terus menggunakan produk atau layanan mereka untuk mendapatkan manfaat tambahan sebagai imbalannya.
Physical vs Digital Gifts: A Thorough Competitive Analysis and Beyond
Digital gift cards are instant. Consumers want instant gratification. Digital gift cards can be delivered to a recipient instantly via email.
Are You Still Using Amazon Gift Cards? Here Is Why It Might Not Be A Great Idea
Amazon gift cards offer convenience but come with many drawbacks.
The Anatomy of an Ideal Reward Point System for Customers
To gain the loyalty of your customers, you may feel rewarding is your way out. However, if you start your reward point system with this notion, you are probably beginning on the wrong note.
Your Complete Guide to Maximizing Conversions from On-Ground Events
Plan. Promote. Engage. Nurture. Convert.
The A to Z of Webinar Planning, Promotion and Conversions
The comprehensive, easily digestible guide that you would always send us love for.
Yang Perlu Anda Ketahui Tentang Kartu Kredit Virtual VISA Rewards
Kartu hadiah VISA virtual adalah mode transaksi yang luar biasa aman bagi mereka yang menggeseknya, tetapi apa yang membuatnya menjadi jalan yang bagus bagi mereka yang mengirimkannya? Mari kita pelajari semuanya.
Cara Mengatur Program Insentif Pelanggan: Panduan untuk Pemula
Nothing feels more ‘right’ than gaining more and more (and more) customers, right? Well, a well-planned customer incentive program can help you achieve precisely that!
Panduan Untuk Membangun Program Hadiah Pelanggan yang Sukses
Program penghargaan pelanggan adalah program loyalitas berbasis poin untuk meningkatkan penjualan, keterlibatan pelanggan, membangun pelanggan setia, dan mengubah pembeli biasa menjadi pendukung merek.
Memenuhi Harapan Pelanggan Digital - Apa yang Diharapkan Pelanggan dari Layanan Pelanggan?
A definite guide to understanding what customers expect from customer service so that you can better meet and greet the customer service expectations.
Consumer Incentives: Programs, Benefits, Examples, and Ideas
Consumer Incentives are rewards given out to the ‘customers of a business’ for brand-building purposes. They include reward points, digital gift cards, cashback, etc.
8 Customer Engagement Strategies That Actually Work
The best customer engagement strategies foster growth, customer loyalty, and improve customer experience. Here are the 8 best strategies to drive customer engagement.
API Plum RaaS (API Hadiah & Insentif)
Butuh bantuan dalam merencanakan strategi hadiah digital Anda berikutnya? Kunjungi Xoxoday's Rewards Program API alias RaaS API dan buka dunia hadiah digital.
CRM = Compelling Rewards Mechanism?
Rethink your CRM. Correct, preen and optimize it as-you-go to progressively engineer smarter business outcomes by deep-integrating rewards within your CRM ecosystems. Not sure how to begin? PLUM makes it delightfully easy.
Kartu Hadiah vs Kartu Prabayar: Mana yang Lebih Baik untuk Hadiah?
Perbedaan antara kartu hadiah dan kartu prabayar terlihat minimal tetapi berbeda jauh. Mana yang lebih baik sebagai hadiah, sekarang saatnya memutuskan.
Drive Customer Advocacy with Rewards
It’s a hot buzzword these days - but you might be left wondering what does customer advocacy mean? You’re not alone if you’re feeling a bit confused, as customer advocacy actually comes in different forms.
Mengapa Kartu Hadiah Email Adalah Hadiah Terbaik Untuk Karyawan Anda
Kartu hadiah email untuk karyawan dari Xoxoday Plum hadir dengan kebebasan memilih, sehingga karyawan dapat memilih hadiah mereka.
5 Digital Gifting Campaigns for Driving Conversions at Scale
A digital gifting campaign is the perfect way to start your lead nurturing process. Here are some campaigns to begin with.
Digital Gifting is Not Just Vouchers
Digital gift vouchers aren't just a piece of paper or a line of code. Here are some experience gifting ideas that change its perception.
What is Customer Retention and How to Improve It?
Do you know retaining a customer is much cheaper than acquiring a new one? What are you doing as an organization for customer retention and how do you plan to improve it?
10 Ways To Drive Customer Engagement
Customer engagement is one of the biggest factors that contributes to the success of your business. This blog will talk of 10 ways to drive customer engagement.
Voucher Hadiah adalah sebuah cerita: Semuanya tentang Membuat yang Menjual
Pernahkah Anda berpikir untuk mengutip keuntungan dari voucher hadiah kepada teman Anda & gagal? Voucher hadiah adalah sebuah cerita dan inilah cara Anda menjualnya sebagai hadiah kepada orang lain.
Xoxoday Bermitra dengan tujuan yang baik: Platform Hadiah yang Paling Menarik Secara Emosional
For Good Causes, platform hadiah yang paling menarik secara emosional, telah bergabung dengan Xoxoday- spesialis keterlibatan masyarakat. Berikut ini penjelasannya>>
Menerapkan Bias Penghindaran Kerugian untuk Memodifikasi Perilaku Konsumen dan Karyawan
How can the psychological concept, loss aversion, be applied to human motivation? Find out loss aversion examples and how it can modify consumer buying behaviour for marketing and employee behaviour and attitudes for HR.
Mengapa fokus pada hadiah pengalaman di tempat kerja?
Temukan mengapa hadiah pengalaman adalah salah satu cara paling efisien untuk memberi penghargaan kepada karyawan Anda.
Do You Appreciate your Customers Enough? HAPPY International Client's Day
Let's find ways to give the appreciation they deserve, on this beautiful day, Xoxoday shares with you five ways to appreciate your customers., After all, just a Thank You isn't enough, let's go beyond that.
Cara Membuat Voucher Hadiah yang Baik untuk Karyawan
Hadiah voucher untuk karyawan dengan cara yang tepat yang benar-benar meningkatkan keterlibatan karyawan. Baca lebih lanjut!
Why Gifting Experiences To Employees Is A Great Idea
Experience gifting is not just about appreciating the employee but also about creating a memorable time for him that he will cherish and associate the memory with his experience in the company.
Important things to remember while running Consumer Offers
A good consumer offer always helps bring in some trials and/or purchases for brands. When done correctly, consumer offers can transform the performance of a business incredibly.
10 Best Customer Loyalty Programs in India
Gone are the days when your customers could simply be retrieved with cheerful greetings. Here are the top 10 Customer Loyalty Programs in India
9 Customer Acquisition Strategies to Drive High Sales in 2023
Discover the customer acquisition strategies that are seldom tried