Le pouvoir des cartes-cadeaux physiques : Pourquoi elles sont encore importantes

Physical gift cards remain a retail powerhouse. While digital options offer undeniable convenience, there's something about the tangibility of a card that keeps them popular. Let's dive into the data and see why physical gift cards the perfect pick for your next gifting occasion might be.  

85% of consumers enjoy the act of giving a physical gift, with over half wanting the recipient to experience the joy of unwrapping it. There's a sentimental value to holding a card that a digital message can't quite replicate. 

Les cartes-cadeaux physiques peuvent être chargées et rechargées, fonctionnant comme des équivalents en espèces pour les achats en magasin et en ligne. Elles offrent flexibilité et pouvoir d'achat.  

However, convenience is a major factor too. Here's where the stats get interesting:
- A Fiserv survey found that 63% prefer digital options for immediate delivery.
- Over half find them easier to send and purchase compared to physical cards.

La carte physique est-elle une relique du passé ? Pas tout à fait. Si les options numériques offrent une facilité indéniable, les cartes physiques ont encore du poids. Elles sont perçues comme plus personnelles. Les destinataires considèrent les cadeaux physiques comme attentionnés et pertinents, par rapport à l'impersonnalité perçue de l'argent liquide ou des alternatives numériques.  

The market for physical gift cards is thriving! 69% of consumers purchased the same amount or more in gift cards in 2023 compared to 2022, with a significant rise in high-value purchases. Plus, a whopping 79% of people end up spending more than the card's value at the store, making them a potential win-win for both the giver and receiver.  

What are physical gift cards? 

Physical gift cards are prepaid, tangible cards that can be used to purchase goods or services at specific retailers or across multiple brands. They come with a set value and often feature a barcode or magnetic stripe for in-store or online redemption.  

Unlike digital gift cards, they are ideal for personal or corporate gifting, allowing recipients to enjoy a seamless shopping experience. Businesses can use platforms like Plum to distribute physical and digital gift cards effortlessly, enhancing customer engagement and employee rewards. 


Managing both physical and digital gift cards across geographies can be complex. Platforms like Plum simplify this by enabling businesses to distribute a wide variety of branded gift cards—physical or digital—at scale.

Whether it’s for employees, clients, or channel partners, Plum ensures a seamless, secure, and personalized gifting experience. 

Avantages des cartes cadeaux physiques  

Les avantages des cartes cadeaux physiques sont les suivants :  

  • Tangible recognition: Physical gift cards provide a tangible form of recognition that employees can hold and appreciate. This can enhance the feeling of being valued by the organization.  
  • Personal touch: Giving a physical gift card shows a personal touch, indicating that the employer has considered the preferences and interests of the employee.  
  • Memorable experience: Unlike digital rewards, physical gift cards often come with attractive packaging or personalized messages, creating a memorable experience for the employee.  
  • Boost morale: Receiving a physical gift card can boost morale and motivation, encouraging employees to continue their hard work and feel appreciated.  

Différentes applications pour les cartes cadeaux physiques  

Physical gift cards have different application based on different business persona. We will find those out.   

1. Partenaires de distribution  

Les cartes cadeaux physiques peuvent être de puissants facteurs de motivation pour vos partenaires de vente et de distribution. En offrant des cartes-cadeaux en guise d'incitation, vous pouvez améliorer les performances et augmenter les ventes. Ces récompenses tangibles apportent non seulement une gratification immédiate, mais favorisent également le sentiment d'accomplissement chez les partenaires.  

Incentive Research Foundation’s study showed that 63% of businesses with channel incentive programs used gift cards as an incentive. The important thing to remember is to choose gift card brands that will be appealing to your participants.  

Looking to appreciate your channel partners in a way that’s both impactful and effortless? A thoughtfully curated physical gift card can go a long way. With access to 300+ popular brands and streamlined delivery options, Plum makes it easy to build personalized, scalable gifting programs—no logistics headaches, just lasting impressions. 

2. Marketing basé sur les comptes (ABM)  

Physical gift cards allow you to personalize your marketing efforts in Account-Based Marketing (ABM). By sending tailored gift cards to high-value accounts, you can create a personalized experience that resonates with each recipient, making your marketing campaigns more effective.  

Gift cards can be customized to match the preferences and interests of your target accounts. This level of personalization not only grabs their attention but also demonstrates that you understand their needs and are willing to go the extra mile to engage them.  

3. Les clients  

Sending physical gift cards to your clients as a token of appreciation for their continued business is a simple yet effective way to retain clients. Acknowledging their loyalty with a thoughtful gift reinforces their decision to stay with your brand.  

Reconnaître et célébrer les étapes et les réalisations de vos clients avec des cartes-cadeaux est une excellente façon de montrer votre soutien. Qu'il s'agisse du lancement d'un nouveau produit ou d'un anniversaire d'entreprise important, le fait de reconnaître ces moments avec une carte-cadeau contribue à établir une relation plus profonde et plus significative.  


Physical gift cards are a great way to recognize and reward employees for their performance and achievements. Whether it's for meeting sales targets, completing a project, or demonstrating exceptional teamwork, gift cards provide tangible recognition that motivates employees.  

89% of employers use gift cards to recognize their employees for years of service. 

5. Fidélisation de la clientèle  

Integrating gift cards into your loyalty rewards programs can enhance their effectiveness. Offering gift cards as rewards for accumulated points or referrals encourages repeat business and fosters brand loyalty. To make your gift cards more accessible and user-friendly, consider using a QR code generator to create scannable codes that link directly to the gift card balance or redemption pages. 

Les cartes-cadeaux peuvent être utilisées pour encourager les clients à revenir et renforcer la fidélité à la marque. En récompensant les clients par des cartes-cadeaux pour leur fidélité, vous créez une boucle de rétroaction positive qui les incite à revenir.  

- 80% of consumers said they have made the decision to shop somewhere based on gift card loyalty incentives at least one time, while 16% said they "always" factor in the incentives. 

- 36% of customers prefer gift card and debit card programs as loyalty rewards. 

- Consumers are 56% more likely to join customer loyalty programs that offer tiered rewards and exclusive treatment. 

- Companies with strong loyalty marketing programs that include gift card rewards grow revenues 2.5 times faster than their competitors and generate 100-400% higher returns to shareholders. 

Comment les cartes-cadeaux physiques peuvent-elles fidéliser les consommateurs ?  

Physical gift cards can be a highly effective tool for building customer loyalty when used strategically. Here are some keyways they drive loyalty, backed by statistics from reliable sources:  

1. Des récompenses personnalisées  

Offering personalized gift card rewards based on customer preferences and behaviors shows you value them as individuals. 80% of consumers are more likely to do business with a company that offers personalized experiences.  

2. Programmes de fidélisation à plusieurs niveaux  

La création de programmes de fidélisation à plusieurs niveaux avec des cartes-cadeaux comme récompenses incite les clients à effectuer des achats répétés pour débloquer des cartes de plus grande valeur. Les consommateurs sont 56 % plus enclins à adhérer à des programmes de fidélisation avec des récompenses échelonnées.  

3. Incitations à l'orientation  

Using gift cards as referral incentives encourages existing loyal customers to spread the word. Approximately 50% of customers will refer friends if there's a gift card incentive.  

4. Occasions spéciales  

En faisant coïncider les récompenses sous forme de cartes-cadeaux avec des occasions spéciales telles que les anniversaires ou les fêtes, vous montrez que vous accordez de l'importance au client au-delà de la simple transaction. 77 % des consommateurs affirment que les programmes de fidélisation les incitent à rester fidèles à une marque.  

5. Remises et primes  

Offering discounts or bonus cards when customers purchase gift cards in bulk can drive immediate sales and show appreciation for their loyalty. 79% of customers would be more likely to join a loyalty program if they could earn points for leaving a review.  

6. Flexibilité et commodité  

Les cartes cadeaux physiques constituent une récompense tangible et flexible que les clients peuvent utiliser comme ils le souhaitent et quand ils le souhaitent. 85 % des consommateurs apprécient l'idée d'une carte physique qu'ils peuvent tenir, emballer et ranger.  

Pourquoi choisir Plum pour offrir des cartes cadeaux physiques ?  

Plum is an excellent platform for leveraging physical gift cards to drive customer loyalty, employee engagement, and client appreciation. By offering a vast catalog of over 300 top brands, Plum enables you to provide recipients with a wide range of desirable gift card options.   

This flexibility ensures you can cater to diverse preferences and create a more personalized experience. The platform's streamlined management features make it easy to efficiently distribute physical gift cards in bulk, track delivery status, and monitor redemption.   

La portée mondiale de Plum vous permet d'envoyer des cadeaux localisés sans problèmes de conversion de devises, ce qui en fait la solution idéale pour les programmes internationaux. Grâce à des mesures de sécurité robustes telles que le SSO et l'authentification à deux facteurs, vous pouvez faire confiance à Plum pour traiter les données sensibles en toute conformité.  

Schedule a free demo and we will get you started!