Charity gifts, an active element of corporate social responsibility, are an inventive way to keep employees and the client base engaged and connected through accountability. A charity gift typically refers to a donation made on behalf of someone as a gift to support a charitable cause or organization. More than 60% of millennials stated they would prefer to donate their rewards to good causes than retain them for personal use, in research by KPMG

As the workplace landscape shifts, organizations have started practicing social responsibility to be more conscious of their impact on society. Instead of receiving a physical item, the recipient of the charity gift is informed that a contribution has been made in their name to a specific charity or cause. 

According to America's Charities Snapshot, approximately 71% of employees surveyed prefer to work for a company that supports giving and volunteering for charitable causes. The same study showed that 70% would be more loyal to a company that takes such initiatives.  

Why charity gifts and corporate giving matters: Stats to justify 

Charity gifts and corporate giving matter because they foster goodwill, enhance brand reputation, and contribute to meaningful social change. Additionally, businesses that engage in charitable giving see an increase in customer trust and long-term brand loyalty.

Let’s take a look at how charity gifts drive client, partner, and employee engagement satisfaction: 

→ According to the EY & Harvard Business School sponsored report, 89% believe that an

Organization with a shared purpose will experience higher levels of employee satisfaction and 80% said that it also helps increase customer loyalty. 
→ Moreover, the same study has shown that 85% of individuals are likely to recommend a company with a solid purpose to others. 
→ According to America’s Charities Snapshot Employer Research, employee participation increases when a charitable choice is given. 

10 charity gift ideas to support the social cause:  

Gifting charity reflects a thoughtful and socially conscious choice to make a difference in the community. The gifts can be: 

  • Dons en espèces 
  • Programmes ou projets spécifiques 
  • Parrainage ou adoption 
  • Cadeaux virtuels 

Moreover, donors can customize their contributions based on their preferences and the causes they wish to support. Here are the 10 charity gift ideas that contribute to the growth of any individual.  

  1. Skill development classes 

Le fait d'offrir l'accès à des cours de développement des compétences permet à chacun de s'épanouir. Les bénéficiaires ont la possibilité d'améliorer leur expertise et leurs capacités. 

En général, ces cours en ligne peuvent être axés sur des compétences spécialisées. En outre, ils constituent un moyen flexible et accessible pour les individus d'affiner leur sens professionnel et de rester compétitifs et adaptables dans le paysage professionnel en constante évolution d'aujourd'hui. 


  • Acquérir et affiner des compétences précieuses,  
  • Améliorer les connaissances professionnelles 
  • Favoriser l'adaptabilité sur un marché du travail en constante évolution. 
  • Stimuler le développement personnel. 

  1. Add charity cards to your E-gift cards

If you're already sending e-gift cards, why not add the choice of donating to charity instead? These digital vouchers provide a versatile and personalized way to express appreciation or celebrate special occasions while allowing recipients to select items according to their preferences.   

Avantages : 

  • Éliminer les défis logistiques associés aux cadeaux traditionnels. 
  • The giver and recipient are positively impacted with improved brand loyalty and customer engagement. 
  • Recipients can either enjoy their gift card or donate to a cause they care about. 

charity cards to your E-gift cards

  1. Experience cards 

Experience cards can be excellent charity gifts online. It presents recipients with a curated selection of engaging online activities. These activities may range from virtual games to immersive tours. 

De plus, ces cartes numériques offrent un moyen unique et personnalisé de faire vivre des expériences mémorables, ce qui les rend idéales pour exprimer des remerciements ou célébrer des occasions spéciales.  


  • Il s'agit d'une approche personnalisable de l'offre de cadeaux. Offrez à vos destinataires une sélection d'activités et d'événements en ligne attrayants.  
  • Augmenter le plaisir du bénéficiaire en lui permettant de choisir des expériences adaptées à ses préférences. 

4. Cours d'apprentissage en ligne 

Vous pouvez également investir dans la formation continue en proposant à vos destinataires des cours en ligne. Offrez-leur un moyen souple et accessible d'explorer divers sujets et d'élargir leur base de connaissances. 

En général, ces cours offrent un environnement d'apprentissage structuré et professionnel. En outre, ces cours peuvent permettre aux individus d'acquérir de nouvelles compétences et de se tenir au courant des tendances de l'industrie. 

Grâce à l'apprentissage en ligne, les bénéficiaires peuvent adapter leur parcours éducatif à leurs objectifs de développement professionnel et personnel. 


  • Permettre aux participants d'acquérir de nouvelles compétences et connaissances dans le confort de leur propre espace. 
  • Ces cours offrent une souplesse d'horaire qui permet aux apprenants de concilier leurs études et leurs engagements. 
  • Améliorer l'accessibilité du matériel d'apprentissage en ligne. 

5. Abonnements à des livres électroniques ou à des livres audio 

Offrez des livres électroniques ou des abonnements à des livres audio aux destinataires pour enrichir leur expérience de lecture. Un tel abonnement leur offrira un moyen pratique et accessible de se plonger dans la sagesse dont ils ont besoin pour poursuivre leur parcours professionnel. 

En général, ces abonnements numériques offrent une plateforme polyvalente permettant aux individus de profiter de n'importe quel type de littérature à leur propre rythme, qu'il s'agisse de lecture ou d'écoute. 


  • Introduire une culture de l'apprentissage continu et de l'enrichissement intellectuel. 
  • Les abonnements à des livres électroniques ou à des livres audio constituent un moyen pratique et portable d'accéder à des contenus littéraires. 
  • Cette méthode contribue à la durabilité environnementale. 

6. Abonnement au bien-être 

Encouragez le bien-être et les soins personnels en offrant à votre destinataire un abonnement au bien-être. Cet abonnement peut aller de cours de fitness en ligne et de séances de méditation à des ressources précieuses en matière de santé. 

Par conséquent, ce geste attentionné soutient un mode de vie sain et souligne l'engagement du destinataire en faveur de son bien-être. 

Un abonnement bien-être offre une approche personnalisée et flexible pour maintenir la santé physique et mentale à l'ère numérique. 


  • Offrez l'accès à une sélection de cours de fitness en ligne, à des séances de méditation et à des ressources précieuses en matière de santé. 
  • Introduire des initiatives de bien-être pour cultiver un mode de vie plus sain et plus productif. 

Wellness Giftcards

  1. Donate a meal program 

Support hunger relief by donating meals to individuals and families facing food insecurity. Many organizations, such as the World Food Programme (WFP) and Feeding America, allow donations in honor of someone, ensuring a meaningful impact. Contributions can fund school lunches, community food banks, or emergency meal distributions, providing essential nourishment to those in need. 

Avantages : 

  • Alleviates hunger and malnutrition in underprivileged communities. 
  • Supports local food banks and relief programs. 
  • Encourages a culture of giving and social responsibility. 
  • Makes a direct, measurable impact on people’s lives. 

8. Clean Water Donation 

Millions of people still lack access to clean drinking water, leading to severe health issues. Donations to organizations like charity: water and help build sustainable water sources, install filtration systems, and improve sanitation facilities in underserved regions. Gifting a clean water donation ensures access to safe drinking water and improved hygiene. 

Avantages : 

  • Reduces the spread of waterborne diseases and improves public health. 
  • Supports sustainable infrastructure for clean water access. 
  • Enhances quality of life by reducing the time spent collecting water. 
  • Promotes environmental conservation through water sustainability projects. 

9. Medical aid donations 

Many communities worldwide suffer from a lack of basic healthcare, medicine, and medical supplies. Donations to organizations like Doctors Without Borders, Direct Relief, or The Red Cross provide critical healthcare services, vaccines, surgical procedures, and life-saving medication to underprivileged areas. 

Avantages : 

  • Provides essential healthcare services to those in need. 
  • Supports emergency medical aid in disaster-affected regions. 
  • Help prevent and treat life-threatening diseases. 
  • Strengthens global healthcare systems through funding and resources. 

10. Animal Rescue and Conservation Sponsorship 

Many wildlife species and domestic animals face threats due to habitat destruction, poaching, or neglect. Sponsoring a conservation initiative or donating to an animal rescue organization, such as The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) or ASPCA, helps protect and rehabilitate animals in need. 

Avantages : 

  • Supports the rescue, rehabilitation, and adoption of endangered or abandoned animals. 
  • Aids conservation efforts for wildlife and marine ecosystems. 
  • Funds anti-poaching initiatives and sanctuary maintenance. 
  • Raises awareness about animal welfare and sustainability. 

  1. Sports equipment for underprivileged youth 

Sports play a critical role in children’s physical and mental development, but many lack access to proper gear. Organizations like Right to Play and Good Sports provide sports equipment such as soccer balls, basketballs, and uniforms to children in low-income communities, encouraging active lifestyles and teamwork. 

Avantages : 

  • Encourages physical activity and healthy development. 
  • Promotes teamwork, discipline, and confidence in young athletes. 
  • Provides equal opportunities for children to participate in sports. 
  • Supports community engagement and social inclusion. 

12. Donations for attendees in webinar 

With virtual events on the rise, attendees are more selective than ever. Make your webinar stand out by linking attendance to a meaningful cause—donate to charity for every participant and let them know their presence makes a real impact. 

For example: “For every attendee, we’ll donate $3 to Charity X—help us reach our goal of $1,500!” 

Avantages : 

  • People are more likely to join when their participation supports a good cause. 
  • Positions your company as socially responsible and community-driven. 
  • Creates a sense of purpose beyond the event, encouraging interaction and goodwill. 
  • Clients and prospects appreciate businesses that give back, building long-term trust. 

Why should businesses adopt charitable gifting 

Enhanced brand image 

Les dons de charité renforcent l'image positive de la marque, en mettant en évidence l'engagement de l'entreprise en matière de responsabilité sociale. La volonté d'avoir un impact significatif favorise une perception favorable parmi les clients et les parties prenantes. 

Chobani, the Greek yogurt company, which expanded its commitment to corporate social responsibility. Chobani has long been known for hiring refugees, but in 2022, it took a significant step by partnering with the nonprofit Tent Partnership for refugees to encourage its suppliers to do the same. This initiative, called Unstuck, aims to create job opportunities for refugees across the supply chain, thereby fostering a sense of purpose and community involvement. 

Increased engagement with society 

Les initiatives caritatives des entreprises créent un lien fort avec la communauté, mettant en évidence l'engagement d'une entreprise au-delà du profit. En s'engageant activement à répondre aux besoins de la société, les entreprises se positionnent comme des entités responsables et empathiques au sein d'un tissu social plus large. 

Microsoft's "Give with Bing" initiative demonstrates how corporations can engage with society. The search engine users earn points that can be donated to various charities, fostering a sense of community involvement. 

Microsoft's "Give with Bing" initiative showcases a model for corporate engagement with society. The initiative aims to encourage search engine users to earn points, which can be donated to various charities. The implementation included everyday searches, users accumulating points, and fostering a sense of community involvement. 

As a result, the initiative demonstrates how corporations can leverage their platforms to facilitate user contributions to charitable causes. Such an approach resulted in community participation and strengthened the connection between the corporation and its users. 

Reconnection with the cause of serving the community 

Les dons de charité sont une expression tangible de l'engagement d'une entreprise envers la communauté. Ils permettent d'aligner les objectifs de l'entreprise sur le bien-être de la société. Ce lien utile trouve un écho auprès des clients et des employés et crée un sentiment de partage des valeurs et des objectifs au-delà des transactions commerciales. 

The Coca-Cola Company, with its global initiatives like "5by20," focuses on empowering women entrepreneurs. By addressing community needs, Coca-Cola serves a societal cause and connects with consumers on a deeper level. 

The primary goal of the "5by20" initiative is to empower women economically. So, they provide them with the necessary resources and support to become successful entrepreneurs. 

Coca-Cola's "5by20" initiative operates globally, reaching women entrepreneurs in various countries and communities. It gives women the tools and skills to establish and grow their businesses, contributing to their economic independence. 

Driving engagement and loyalty 

Charitable causes enhance customer engagement. Consumers increasingly value businesses contributing positively to society. According to Forbes, 70% of consumers are motivated to purchase from companies committed to improving the world. Customers feel a sense of pride and affiliation when their purchases support a company actively involved in community service. 

A notable example is Veja, a footwear brand that, in 2023, collaborated with Brazilian recycling cooperatives to establish a fully traceable supply chain. This initiative not only transformed plastic waste into shoes but also provided fair compensation to waste collectors, predominantly women, thereby supporting both environmental conservation and social equity. 

Building relationships with customers and employees

In 2023, Rare Beauty, founded by Selena Gomez, exemplified how companies can build strong relationships with both customers and employees through charitable initiatives. Central to this effort is the Rare Impact Fund, established to address youth mental health challenges.

Digitize the CSR movement with Plum 

The best charity gifts are a powerful tool in the corporate world as they successfully tie social responsibility with employee engagement and customer loyalty. The practice of offering charity gifts has a profound impact on building relationships, enhancing brand image, and building a sense of community. 

Incorporate charity gifts into your corporate culture with Plum. We offer diverse charity gift options and provide your employees and clients with a seamless and customizable experience. 

Rejoignez le mouvement des entreprises socialement responsables. Améliorez votre marque en ayant un impact significatif sur la communauté via : 

  • Curating over 30,000+ gift options to cater to your employees' unique preferences, 
  • Une plateforme mondiale de cadeaux avec des marques internationales, 
  • Offrir des récompenses personnalisées et générer une communication ciblée pour favoriser la valorisation et l'appréciation. 


1. What are charity gifts, and how do they work? 

Charity gifts are donations made on behalf of someone to support a social cause or nonprofit organization. Instead of receiving a physical gift, the recipient is informed that a contribution has been made in their name, supporting initiatives such as education, healthcare, hunger relief, or environmental sustainability. 

2. Are charity gifts tax-deductible?

Yes, in many countries, donations made to registered nonprofit organizations are tax-deductible. However, tax laws vary by region, so businesses should consult with financial experts or review local tax regulations to ensure compliance. 

3. Can charity gifts be personalized for recipients? 

Yes! Many charity organizations provide personalized certificates or acknowledgments for donations made in someone's name. This adds a meaningful touch, making the recipient feel appreciated while contributing to a worthy cause. 

4. How can businesses incorporate charitable giving into corporate rewards programs? 

Companies can integrate charitable giving into their corporate rewards programs by offering employees and clients the option to donate their reward points, providing charity gift cards, or running donation-matching campaigns. 

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