في هذه الصفحة
Charity gifts, an active element of corporate social responsibility, are an inventive way to keep employees and the client base engaged and connected through accountability. A charity gift typically refers to a donation made on behalf of someone as a gift to support a charitable cause or organization. More than 60% of millennials stated they would prefer to donate their rewards to good causes than retain them for personal use, in research by KPMG.
As the workplace landscape shifts, organizations have started practicing social responsibility to be more conscious of their impact on society. Instead of receiving a physical item, the recipient of the charity gift is informed that a contribution has been made in their name to a specific charity or cause.
According to America's Charities Snapshot, approximately 71% of employees surveyed prefer to work for a company that supports giving and volunteering for charitable causes. The same study showed that 70% would be more loyal to a company that takes such initiatives.
Why charity gifts and corporate giving matters: Stats to justify
Charity gifts and corporate giving matter because they foster goodwill, enhance brand reputation, and contribute to meaningful social change. Additionally, businesses that engage in charitable giving see an increase in customer trust and long-term brand loyalty.
→ According to the EY & Harvard Business School sponsored report, 89% believe that an
Organization with a shared purpose will experience higher levels of employee satisfaction and 80% said that it also helps increase customer loyalty.
→ Moreover, the same study has shown that 85% of individuals are likely to recommend a company with a solid purpose to others.
→ According to America’s Charities Snapshot Employer Research, employee participation increases when a charitable choice is given.
10 charity gift ideas to support the social cause:
Gifting charity reflects a thoughtful and socially conscious choice to make a difference in the community. The gifts can be:
- التبرعات النقدية
- برامج أو مشاريع محددة
- الكفالة أو التبني
- الهدايا الافتراضية
Moreover, donors can customize their contributions based on their preferences and the causes they wish to support. Here are the 10 charity gift ideas that contribute to the growth of any individual.
- Skill development classes
سيتيح إهداء الوصول إلى فصول تنمية المهارات للفرد إمكانية التطوير الذاتي. إتاحة الفرصة للمستفيدين لتعزيز خبراتهم وقدراتهم.
بشكل عام، يمكن أن تركز هذه الدورات التدريبية عبر الإنترنت على المهارات المتخصصة. وعلاوة على ذلك، فهي توفر وسيلة مرنة وسهلة المنال للأفراد لصقل فطنتهم المهنية والحفاظ على قدرتهم التنافسية والقدرة على التكيف في المشهد المهني المتغير باستمرار في يومنا هذا.
- اكتساب الكفاءات القيّمة وصقلها,
- تحسين المعرفة المهنية
- تعزيز القدرة على التكيف في سوق عمل دائم التطور.
- تعزيز النمو الشخصي.
- Add charity cards to your E-gift cards
If you're already sending e-gift cards, why not add the choice of donating to charity instead? These digital vouchers provide a versatile and personalized way to express appreciation or celebrate special occasions while allowing recipients to select items according to their preferences.
- تخلص من التحديات اللوجستية المرتبطة بالهدايا التقليدية.
- The giver and recipient are positively impacted with improved brand loyalty and customer engagement.
- Recipients can either enjoy their gift card or donate to a cause they care about.

- Experience cards
Experience cards can be excellent charity gifts online. It presents recipients with a curated selection of engaging online activities. These activities may range from virtual games to immersive tours.
علاوة على ذلك، توفر هذه البطاقات الرقمية طريقة فريدة وشخصية لتقديم تجارب لا تُنسى، مما يجعلها مثالية للتعبير عن التقدير أو الاحتفال بالمناسبات الخاصة.
- إنه نهج قابل للتخصيص لتقديم الهدايا. قدم للمستلمين مجموعة مختارة منتقاة من الأنشطة والفعاليات الجذابة عبر الإنترنت.
- قم بزيادة متعة المتلقي من خلال السماح له باختيار تجارب مصممة خصيصاً لتناسب تفضيلاته.
4. دورات التعلم عبر الإنترنت
يمكنك أيضًا الاستثمار في التعلم المستمر من خلال تقديم دورات تدريبية عبر الإنترنت للمستفيدين. وفّر لهم وسيلة مرنة وسهلة المنال لاستكشاف مواضيع متنوعة وتوسيع قاعدة معارفهم.
بشكل عام، توفر هذه الدورات بيئة تعليمية منظمة ومهنية. وعلاوة على ذلك، يمكن لهذه الدورات تمكين الأفراد من اكتساب مهارات جديدة ومواكبة اتجاهات الصناعة.
من خلال التعلُّم عبر الإنترنت، يمكن للمستفيدين تخصيص رحلتهم التعليمية لتتماشى مع أهدافهم المهنية والشخصية للتطوير.
- تمكين المشاركين من اكتساب مهارات ومعارف جديدة من مكانهم الخاص.
- توفر هذه الدورات مرونة في الجدولة الزمنية، مما يسمح للمتعلمين بالموازنة بين المساعي التعليمية والالتزامات الحالية.
- توفير إمكانية وصول معززة مع مواد تعليمية عبر الإنترنت.
5. اشتراكات الكتب الإلكترونية أو الكتب الصوتية
قم بإهداء الكتب الإلكترونية أو اشتراكات الكتب الصوتية للمستفيدين لإثراء تجربة القراءة لديهم. سيوفر لهم مثل هذا الاشتراك طريقة مريحة وسهلة المنال للتعمق في الحكمة التي يتوقون إليها لتعزيز رحلتهم المهنية.
بشكل عام، توفر هذه الاشتراكات الرقمية بشكل عام منصة متعددة الاستخدامات للأفراد للاستمتاع بأي نوع من أنواع الأدب بالسرعة التي تناسبهم، سواء كانت القراءة أو الاستماع.
- إدخال ثقافة التعلم المستمر والإثراء الفكري.
- توفر الكتب الإلكترونية أو اشتراكات الكتب الصوتية وسيلة مريحة ومحمولة للأفراد للوصول إلى المحتوى الأدبي.
- تساهم هذه الطريقة في الاستدامة البيئية.
6. اشتراك العافية
قم بتعزيز الرفاهية والرعاية الذاتية من خلال إهداء متلقيك اشتراكاً صحياً. قد يتنوع هذا الاشتراك من دروس اللياقة البدنية عبر الإنترنت وجلسات التأمل إلى الموارد الصحية القيمة.
ولذلك، فإن هذه اللفتة المدروسة تدعم أسلوب الحياة الصحي وتؤكد على الالتزام بعافية المتلقي.
يوفر اشتراك العافية نهجاً شخصياً ومرناً للحفاظ على الصحة البدنية والعقلية في العصر الرقمي.
- اعرض إمكانية الوصول إلى مجموعة مختارة من دروس اللياقة البدنية وجلسات التأمل والموارد الصحية القيّمة عبر الإنترنت.
- قدم مبادرات الصحة والعافية لتنمية نمط حياة أكثر صحة وإنتاجية.

- Donate a meal program
Support hunger relief by donating meals to individuals and families facing food insecurity. Many organizations, such as the World Food Programme (WFP) and Feeding America, allow donations in honor of someone, ensuring a meaningful impact. Contributions can fund school lunches, community food banks, or emergency meal distributions, providing essential nourishment to those in need.
- Alleviates hunger and malnutrition in underprivileged communities.
- Supports local food banks and relief programs.
- Encourages a culture of giving and social responsibility.
- Makes a direct, measurable impact on people’s lives.
8. Clean Water Donation
Millions of people still lack access to clean drinking water, leading to severe health issues. Donations to organizations like charity: water and Water.org help build sustainable water sources, install filtration systems, and improve sanitation facilities in underserved regions. Gifting a clean water donation ensures access to safe drinking water and improved hygiene.
- Reduces the spread of waterborne diseases and improves public health.
- Supports sustainable infrastructure for clean water access.
- Enhances quality of life by reducing the time spent collecting water.
- Promotes environmental conservation through water sustainability projects.
9. Medical aid donations
Many communities worldwide suffer from a lack of basic healthcare, medicine, and medical supplies. Donations to organizations like Doctors Without Borders, Direct Relief, or The Red Cross provide critical healthcare services, vaccines, surgical procedures, and life-saving medication to underprivileged areas.
- Provides essential healthcare services to those in need.
- Supports emergency medical aid in disaster-affected regions.
- Help prevent and treat life-threatening diseases.
- Strengthens global healthcare systems through funding and resources.
10. Animal Rescue and Conservation Sponsorship
Many wildlife species and domestic animals face threats due to habitat destruction, poaching, or neglect. Sponsoring a conservation initiative or donating to an animal rescue organization, such as The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) or ASPCA, helps protect and rehabilitate animals in need.
- Supports the rescue, rehabilitation, and adoption of endangered or abandoned animals.
- Aids conservation efforts for wildlife and marine ecosystems.
- Funds anti-poaching initiatives and sanctuary maintenance.
- Raises awareness about animal welfare and sustainability.
- Sports equipment for underprivileged youth
Sports play a critical role in children’s physical and mental development, but many lack access to proper gear. Organizations like Right to Play and Good Sports provide sports equipment such as soccer balls, basketballs, and uniforms to children in low-income communities, encouraging active lifestyles and teamwork.
- Encourages physical activity and healthy development.
- Promotes teamwork, discipline, and confidence in young athletes.
- Provides equal opportunities for children to participate in sports.
- Supports community engagement and social inclusion.
12. Donations for attendees in webinar
With virtual events on the rise, attendees are more selective than ever. Make your webinar stand out by linking attendance to a meaningful cause—donate to charity for every participant and let them know their presence makes a real impact.
For example: “For every attendee, we’ll donate $3 to Charity X—help us reach our goal of $1,500!”
- People are more likely to join when their participation supports a good cause.
- Positions your company as socially responsible and community-driven.
- Creates a sense of purpose beyond the event, encouraging interaction and goodwill.
- Clients and prospects appreciate businesses that give back, building long-term trust.
Why should businesses adopt charitable gifting
Enhanced brand image
تعزز الهدايا الخيرية صورة إيجابية للعلامة التجارية، وتظهر التزام الشركة بالمسؤولية الاجتماعية. التفاني في إحداث تأثير هادف يعزز التصور الإيجابي لدى العملاء وأصحاب المصلحة.
Increased engagement with society
تخلق المبادرات الخيرية للشركات علاقة قوية مع المجتمع، وتظهر التزام الشركة بما يتجاوز الربح. من خلال المشاركة الفعالة في تلبية الاحتياجات المجتمعية، تضع الشركات نفسها ككيانات مسؤولة ومتعاطفة داخل النسيج الاجتماعي الأكبر.
Microsoft's "Give with Bing" initiative showcases a model for corporate engagement with society. The initiative aims to encourage search engine users to earn points, which can be donated to various charities. The implementation included everyday searches, users accumulating points, and fostering a sense of community involvement.
As a result, the initiative demonstrates how corporations can leverage their platforms to facilitate user contributions to charitable causes. Such an approach resulted in community participation and strengthened the connection between the corporation and its users.
Reconnection with the cause of serving the community
الهدايا الخيرية هي تعبير ملموس عن تفاني الشركة تجاه المجتمع. فهي توائم بين أهداف العمل والرفاهية المجتمعية. هذا الارتباط الهادف يتردد صداه مع العملاء والموظفين لخلق شعور بالقيم المشتركة والهدف المشترك بما يتجاوز المعاملات التجارية.
The primary goal of the "5by20" initiative is to empower women economically. So, they provide them with the necessary resources and support to become successful entrepreneurs.
Coca-Cola's "5by20" initiative operates globally, reaching women entrepreneurs in various countries and communities. It gives women the tools and skills to establish and grow their businesses, contributing to their economic independence.
Driving engagement and loyalty
Charitable causes enhance customer engagement. Consumers increasingly value businesses contributing positively to society. According to Forbes, 70% of consumers are motivated to purchase from companies committed to improving the world. Customers feel a sense of pride and affiliation when their purchases support a company actively involved in community service.
Building relationships with customers and employees
Digitize the CSR movement with Plum
The best charity gifts are a powerful tool in the corporate world as they successfully tie social responsibility with employee engagement and customer loyalty. The practice of offering charity gifts has a profound impact on building relationships, enhancing brand image, and building a sense of community.
Incorporate charity gifts into your corporate culture with Plum. We offer diverse charity gift options and provide your employees and clients with a seamless and customizable experience.
انضم إلى حركة الشركات المسؤولة اجتماعياً. ارفع من مستوى علامتك التجارية من خلال إحداث تأثير هادف على المجتمع من خلال:
- Curating over 30,000+ gift options to cater to your employees' unique preferences,
- منصة عالمية للهدايا مع العلامات التجارية العالمية,
- قدِّم مكافآت مخصصة وأنشئ اتصالات مستهدفة لتيسير القيمة والتقدير.
1. What are charity gifts, and how do they work?
Charity gifts are donations made on behalf of someone to support a social cause or nonprofit organization. Instead of receiving a physical gift, the recipient is informed that a contribution has been made in their name, supporting initiatives such as education, healthcare, hunger relief, or environmental sustainability.
2. Are charity gifts tax-deductible?
Yes, in many countries, donations made to registered nonprofit organizations are tax-deductible. However, tax laws vary by region, so businesses should consult with financial experts or review local tax regulations to ensure compliance.
3. Can charity gifts be personalized for recipients?
Yes! Many charity organizations provide personalized certificates or acknowledgments for donations made in someone's name. This adds a meaningful touch, making the recipient feel appreciated while contributing to a worthy cause.
4. How can businesses incorporate charitable giving into corporate rewards programs?
Companies can integrate charitable giving into their corporate rewards programs by offering employees and clients the option to donate their reward points, providing charity gift cards, or running donation-matching campaigns.